Give a song lyric from a song to describe your lifestyle.

Discussion in 'Off Topic Discussion' started by House -, Apr 5, 2016.

  1. Solid Anunoby

    Solid Anunoby VIP Silver

    Al Kapav Yavi
    ''On our narrow street
    there lives a strange carpenter.
    He sits in his hut
    and doesn't do a thing.

    No one comes to buy,
    and no one comes to visit,
    and it's been two years
    since he's done any carpentry."

    Here are The Hebrew Lyrics, Transliterated.
    "Bir'choveinu hatzar
    gar nagar echad muzar.
    Hu yoshev bitzrifo
    velo oseh davar.

    Ish eino ba liknot,
    ve'ein ish mevaker,
    U'shnatayim she'hu
    kvar eino menager."

    P.S.~I'm not a carpenter, But I sure as Hell stay in my hut and not do a thing!