@Falcor Let's me sit on her head on every round @La Vie Helps me keeps my hours up + he's Canadian @Finn Smelly af but still love him @Savannah Banana | SF Good luck on your exams ^^ @Azure Cat person <3 @TheCoCoFTW Still owes me $20 and thanks for getting me Mod @Herr Fuchs | Mr. Fluffeh Been with me since the first time I stepped foot into TTT @Opii You promised you'll come back sometime during the Summer, you better or else... Meow.
@La Vie :V Best traitor buddy, jumped in front of a double barrel shot to save an inno. Jk jk, awesome dude though! @Falcor Reminded me to never trust anyone, PARTICULARLY the people you count as your friends! @Seth Harle Total badass and probably my favorite mod (sorry everyone else~ <3) @Azure Definitely my favorite admin, not like that scrublord @TheCoCoFTW , also puts up with my stupidity and helps me be a better player! @TheCoCoFTW I was friends with him before he was even a mod #Hipster But seriously, awesome dude, except when he HARPOONS ME OUT OF NOWHERE! @Casual Cannibal One of the most awesome people I know, also made the epic image I use as my spray.