Favorite Weapon and Why?

Discussion in 'TTT Discussion' started by Cake, Feb 8, 2016.

  1. Shaddoll

    Shaddoll Okay doomer. VIP

    My personal favorites

    Good Ol' Boomstick.
    Honeybadger: Quiet, accurate, high fire rate to cover for damage.
    Ak-47: If I feel like tryharding.
    Raging Bull: One shot to the back of the head. Just think about the rabbits Lennie.
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  2. Etched

    Etched That One Gay Guy VIP

    Colt 1911, Accurate. 1 shot head shot.
    Acr, Also very accurate 54dmg to headshot highest dmg assault rifle with a nice fire rate.
    Ak-47 in a jam and need to throw as many bullets as possible, here you go.
    Hk Sl8 semi auto 1 shot headshot(If full karma) and accurate up to a distance
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  3. KiWi | Gomen

    KiWi | Gomen New Member

    I really enjoy the Honeybadger for the same reason. Quiet and also an effective means to kill.
    Now, I have lately been playing on the vanilla server so my favorite weapon there is the shotgun for obvious reasons and then the sniper.
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  4. Niclas

    Niclas hióa

    Colt, deadly and accurate, get more kills with this baby than I do with primary guns.
    HKSL8, best gun ever made, love it, precise and deadly.
    AK47, insane fire rate and good damage.
    Honey Badger, quiet and deadly.
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  5. Knife (w/ 1-hit perk and fully upgraded silent knife perk): It's perfect to use when someone isn't paying attention or is caught off guard
    AK47: Very lethal if you're good with headshots
    SCAR-H: Underrated gun (same with G3). Though it shoots slow, it's pretty accurate compared to other guns and has good headshot damage.
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  6. BIDZ180

    BIDZ180 Member

    Maybe not my absolute favorite, but I feel like I have to give a bit of credit to the ever-underrated MAC-10.

    It's quiet compared to a number of other guns, and with a short burst to the head (only about a second, I'd say), you can easily, quickly, quietly, and inconspicuously kill an unsuspecting victim, in a disorienting way, especially from behind.

    That said, I'd probably have to go with the DRAGUNOV anyway, or the always-classic DEAGLE.
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    Silenced Pistol. Extremely underrated, but it's like an upgraded Colt. 1-shot to head, but has a bigger clip and is nearly 100% silent (I've missed shots at people that are looking at me and they dont even realize it because of how quiet it is)
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  8. tz-

    tz- feelin it VIP Emerald

    I agree that the Silenced Pistol is underrated and that it could be better than the colt but the animation is does whilst being shot is super disorientating for me. I wish the animation was more similar to that of the Deagle or the Colt and then it would be super worth to buy over a MP7 in some situations.
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  9. Azaelus

    Azaelus I want to break free VIP Silver Emerald

    AK-47: Rapid Fire all day on Nilla'
    TAR: Fast Fire rate + I love bullpups.
    Deagle: One shot, One kill
    Dragunov: Sneaky Beaky from long range

    and last but not least

    Harpoon: Reserved ONLY for staff. ONLY.
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  10. Pacifist

    Pacifist Cynically Insane VIP Bronze

    To be perfectly honest, I hate all the guns. I do like the silent insta kill knife though.
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  11. Turtles

    Turtles 100% Certified Reptile VIP

    Winchester. It's not the best and I never use it, but it's such a high risk high reward weapon that is really fun to use. And it's really good if you learn how to use it.
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  12. News Network

    News Network broken VIP

    The jackhammer, so op can take out a full room of people in a few seconds:sneaky:
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  13. It's never lupus

    It's never lupus Regular Member

    AK-47 for me, I just adore the thing, I'm able to slap on a disguiser and wipe an entire room of people in a handful of seconds.
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  14. Doomsday

    Doomsday New Member

    Honey Badger or Colt for ez headshots
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  15. MyriadOfChaos

    MyriadOfChaos It was fun.... VIP

    ACR and the AK. I seem to have the beat experiences with them and they have yet to steer me wrong.
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  16. Zer0z

    Zer0z Hotline Blinger VIP

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  17. Niclas

    Niclas hióa

    has to be the explosive barrels and the normal ones
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  18. Qwesi

    Qwesi VIP

    HK or the Honeybadger.
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  19. Zigles

    Zigles Rule #1: Never trust a Zigles VIP

    Definitely the Colt. It's so satisfying to be in a room with a bunch of innos and just one tap all 4 of them in quick succession.
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  20. Darth Gorgamel

    Darth Gorgamel A Dark Lord of the Sith VIP Emerald

    The ak or honey badger fav for me. Just love mowing down them innos.
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