Event Horizon False Slay and False Mutes.

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by Magafe, Dec 30, 2013.

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  1. Magafe

    Magafe Banned

    I never seen someone get slayed for a report being wrong, because false is like being wrong, incorrect, or untruthful. You don't get punished for lying, or for putting in a wrong/incorrect report or post.
  2. Magafe

    Magafe Banned

    I have a feeling that Event, isn't to fond of me and will punish for all the little things. You can tell just by me saying 3 binds and get muted for PREROUND spam. He even false slayed me for 'false reports' which weren't even false, and because when CMDSPRINKLES was mic spamming. He wasn't punished but when I played one part of a song really quick, I was gagged. The only time he did something is when the whole server would tell him to do it.
  3. Enigmatica

    Enigmatica The Song Lives On Banned

    Other people like [name redacted] were also muted for spamming special bind messages end of round. It's not just you.

    And CMDSprinles was just talking a lot. I let it slide for awhile because I don't really want to gag just for him talking. But then he started beatboxing and putting music through it and that's when I gagged cmdsprinkles.
  4. Magafe

    Magafe Banned

    LOL Give me some people you muted today that was not me that was spamming at the end round, Namen didn't receive a mute when he posted the guy with the gun more times then me or the other guy I don't remember his name. Or when other people are spamming the donger/derp face and don't recieve a mute.
  5. DieKasta

    DieKasta :Blackalien: Forever VIP

    Event was justified in slaying Magafe for a false report. Magafe, instead of posting 100 brackets in your report you could have just typed the real reason you were reporting.

    I'm gonna be the one who states what everyone is thinking here Mag.

    "You are an immature, annoying, spammy Troll who doesn't understand that the world does not revolve around yourself."

    You do things that push other peoples buttons and then complain when they actually do something about it. I've personally seen enough.
  6. Enigmatica

    Enigmatica The Song Lives On Banned

    I muted namen the times I saw him do it. I even have a screenshot of it, just for you. I also gagged several people for micspamming that I will not name just because of common courtesy.


    http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/450 ... 4F1E9E2BE/
  7. Shades

    Shades VIP

    This is why:
  8. Magafe

    Magafe Banned

    No, Im talking about on Assault and Dolls and 67th Way.
  9. Enigmatica

    Enigmatica The Song Lives On Banned

    that screenshot was from those maps. I took it moments *ago. Chat history in Gmod stays the entire time you're playing
  10. Magafe

    Magafe Banned

    Actually I had tons of the derp faces in paste and I was going to paste something else then I didnt feel like Deleting so I just typed in rdm'd but rdm'd fit so it was shorten into rdm.

    I know the world doesn't revolve around myself because I do things for others and not only myself.

    Just because someone did a false slay/false mute doesn't mean i'm a immature, annoying, spamming troll. I'm not even doing anything to push others buttons, When i'm false slayed because I want to report someone and muted because I used 3 of my binds and other people are spamming the, You are a Traitor shit they don't get any mutes or warnings personally I think it's unfair and gets annoying. I don't see how im trying to push other peoples buttons, If I never communicate or see him that much. I guess I will just let abuse happen and do nothing about it when it happens to me, and let unfair stuff happen on the server and the let the mod get away with it. By the way, to annoying who decides to report someone you are a "You are an immature, annoying, spammy Troll who doesn't understand that the world does not revolve around yourself."
  11. Magafe

    Magafe Banned

    I know that i'm talking about the other times not just that one. Gmod chat history cuts off if there is too much in it. I know this because I don't see stuff from 9am to 11pm ,When im playing and never restarted my game.
  12. Enigmatica

    Enigmatica The Song Lives On Banned

    The "you are traitor" are not affected by the mute command, just fyi. even if we did mute, they could still be used.
  13. Magafe

    Magafe Banned

    I know that but its still spam and nobody gets punished for it.
  14. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    m going to go ahead and agree with DieKasta on this subject. I know we are supposed to be as professional as possible, but sometimes you gotta cut the crap and tell someone how it is.
    Magafe, you are a fun player to be on the server with until you begin to troll. It would be hard for you to see that we aren't biased against you, but you are simply breaking the rules and getting punished for it. As soon as you are punished, you say that it's abuse because people let you get away with certain things for only so long.

    If you want an example of someone you can talk to, it would be a certain player who is around your age that does the same thing. You two have even tried to troll each other in the past and complained about each other in the forums.

    The reason we want you to stop with this mindset, Magafe, is because you may think you're funny, but other players won't. Those other players, more than one, will see your trolling go unpunished and leave the server. The reason I point it out as more than one is because you are simply one and you are causing more than one to leave the server.

    If I were a new player that just logged on to see you spamming chat or catching word that you could make reports on a staff member in the completely wrong manner, I would assume that it were okay. Then, when I try it, I get muted or slain and think that they're biased because Magafe, the donator, did the same thing and was fine. I, personally would make sure that would be known to the rest of the server and, guess what, there goes the served population.

    I understand that your moderator friends may let it slide, hut just because one does, doesn't mean we all will. Your report was taken care of and you went about the completely wrong way to check progress by filing another report. Then, you reported a staff member in the completely improper manner. You've been playing on the server long enough to have grasped the tolerance level of the community and I think that your line is being drawn.
  15. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    I'm going to go ahead and lock this report.

    Your slay and mute were justified.

    You've played on the server long enough to comprehend the rules, while even moderating at one point.

    There really is no excuse for your behavior.
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