Double Barrel poll.

Discussion in 'Weapons' started by Classical, Apr 12, 2014.


Your thoughts on Double Barrel shotgun?

  1. Remove it.

  2. Nerf it.

  3. Leave it alone.

  4. Don't care.(null vote)

  5. Change to D weapon

  6. Change to T weapon

  1. Have same dmg combined?
  2. Highwon

    Highwon Owner VIP Silver

    No, it shoots double the amount of pellets so if all of them hit it would be 2x damage.
    • Like Like x 1
  3. Sinz

    Sinz crumble VIP Silver

  4. Red

    Red Harbinger of Arceus VIP

    Yay, at least when T's roam the corridors, only 1 person will get bat shit raped lol
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. Classical

    Classical He who does not fear death dies only once. Bronze

    This is pretty good, solves most of the problems with the gun.
  6. -spud-

    -spud- Banned

    I guess that's better than removing it. But anything done to it is better than nothing.
  7. Red

    Red Harbinger of Arceus VIP

    While it does make things a lot better, the DB poses a new problem: since it has 2x damage, long range (yes, long range) db kills are now viable.
  8. ThatBox

    ThatBox Not this box, that one. VIP

    They were always viable @Red
  9. Red

    Red Harbinger of Arceus VIP

    Not really before, but now since there are twice the pellets in 1 shot, with no recoil before shooting, I have been able to bring a person from full health to wounded when he was on top of the bookcase on dolls and I was on the other end of the top shelf.
  10. Peter

    Peter VIP

    RIP Double Barrel Shotgun.

    ???? - 2014
  11. -spud-

    -spud- Banned

    Its still a powerful weapon... you just have to be smarter about when you use it. Can't just go around blastin everyone's faces off with no consequences.
  12. January 2014 - April 2014
  13. Peter

    Peter VIP

    That's why it was made, though.
  14. Lets remove all the weapons and the replace all of them with Double barrel shotguns. Now all is equal!

    :D :D :D
  15. Red

    Red Harbinger of Arceus VIP

    Yes, I know it's been nerfed twice (maybe even more before Highwon deemed it STTT worthy), but the damage rate is just ridiculous. You can shoot someone in the arm or in the foot and as long as all pellets hit, he dies. Basically if there's a T with you that has a Double Barrel, even if you are zen master or w/e, and have a reaction time of 0.000001 nanoseconds, you can't do anything; you're already dead. You can't shoot first, since you're an inno. When a T has the Double Barrel and knows how to use a mouse, he's definitely gonna unalive you.

    If we're talking realism here (but we really shouldn't, cause this is TTT, not real life, for fuck's sake), then yes, the DB is very very realistic, and it's a 8/10 in realism levels (if your foot gets shot off, you don't die immediately, you either go into shock or die slowly from blood loss). But seriously, if we're gonna rate guns by how realistic they are, then we should just throw out about 7/8 of the guns in the server. Examples: the HUGE; shoots out a fuck ton of bullets, and as a machine gun, it's meant to be ultra deadly, as in, 1 second of firing and your body should be mangled to shreds. But does it work like that? No! Why? Because it's balanced to make for good gameplay. The pistol (or basically any gun); if a bullet enters your head, you either get paralyzed or die immediately. Does it work like that in TTT? No! Why? Same reason, balanced gameplay. If someone with an FN P90 shoots around and hits 10 people in the head, they should all die. Even the AK doesn't do that, and the AK is known for its firepower.

    Reality update: Phoenix (Nelson), a T, just killed 3 people using the DB within 10 seconds. And no, they weren't lined up. See, if you can travel down a building AND kill 3 people with a gun that only has 1 shot per clip, and each shot has ultra damage, that's a pretty op weapon. That means the reload time HAS to be 3.33 seconds or less, and I'm leaning towards the less part since he had to move before he could shoot me, the third person. I have a screenie of the logs if you doubt me.

    Now if you consider the DB normal, then the other weapons are severely underpowered. If people argue that the DB is good because it's realistic, I counter that it is one of the only ones. If you say it's counterbalanced by the reload time, I have shown that the maximum reload time it has is 3.33 seconds.

    I'm not proposing anything here, and I'm not saying to nerf/make it a T/D weap; I'm only stating my opinion. Now if you still think the DB is okay or normal or meh, fine. You're entitled to your own opinion.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  16. Silent Rebel

    Silent Rebel Lead Shitposter VIP

    I agree, the reason i hated the DB in the first place was due to its massive stopping power. I wanted it to be nerfed so that it couldn't kill players so easily with just 1 shot. Highwon did the opposite of what i wanted. Highwon made the DB expel both shells at once, making its stopping power EVEN MORE. I think this was the opposite of what the community wanted, even if it increased the reload time. The only way to defend yourself against a DB is stay the fuck away from a DB. But since this server has no claiming rules, or following rules, its very hard to just "stay away"; it's even harder on small maps such as the train or clue. The gun just gets cheap kills, its better than the damn harpoon which is a traitorous weapon.
    • Dumb Dumb x 1
  17. shadowdragoon66

    shadowdragoon66 hic sunt draconis VIP

    I rarely use the DB and the times I do, I feel it takes the fun away. I remember one time having my back turned to someone who turned out to be a traitor because they proceeded to try and shoot me in the back. I instantly turned around and without needing to aim, blew the T away in 1 shot.
  18. President

    President New Member

    This weapon destroy the balance of the weapons on the game is op
  19. ZeRo

    ZeRo :sneaky: Banned VIP Silver

    Merged President's thread with this thread.
  20. juniorrr

    juniorrr Supporter

    Well now its really strong long range... I get hit from a player across the map using a db and I lose 90% of my health and its basically an instant kill up close-med range. The gun ruins the fun really... get a ton of complaints about it and it does scare new players away. It really does ruins the fun for me tbh, I probably will stop playing if it isn't nerfed or removed.
    Id be fine with it being an only T weapon or detective weapon with its current state though.