Don't voice chat with people while playing TTT.

Discussion in 'TTT Discussion' started by Magafe, Dec 9, 2013.

  1. DieKasta

    DieKasta :Blackalien: Forever VIP

    Trust me guys, this decision wasn't made lightly. We discussed this for about an hour before any final conclusions were made.

    Was this intentional ghosting? No.

    Did their actions still fall under the scope of ghosting? After a long discussion, most of us agreed that, yes they did.

    It's a tough situation, but we did our best to come to a fair conclusion.
  2. Highwon

    Highwon Owner VIP Silver

    Actually yes it is ghosting. And you're misusing the PM system. That system is a custom addon to the server intended for people to be able to handle things privately or have discussions privately if need be. I never use it for in game chat, most the time people PM me about problems with their game. Obviously I need to rethink this private message system and possibly remove it if this is what it is being used for.
  3. Slippery

    Slippery VIP

    to deny the community the !P system is taking it to far...
  4. came here to say this.
  5. Angelx

    Angelx Always Innocent VIP

    !P is used for things like.

    Reporting issues to staffs.
    1 on 1 conversation not related game or current round.
    Chit chatting.
    Resolving problems.

    !p is NOT supposed to be used for.
    Telling alive players game related information when you are dead(Like telling them who the traitors are).
    Telling alive players game related information when you are alive(same as above).
  6. Snak

    Snak Banned

    honestly id be happier if there was no PM system, I'm sure people ghost all the time using it, This thread obviously is in relation with what happened and I'd say even though it was accidental you were informing someone of something that no one else knew about through skype and thats pretty much ghosting. I'm going to post a screenshot and i want everyone else too decide if its ghosting as well:

    In the screenshot Zabiba dies to C4, then says "fuckin nord" obviously not meaning to ghost but diden't think through that there were innocent mods still alive (such as myself) and what he said was blatently stating he had died from Nord's C4.