democrats ruin everything

Discussion in 'Off Topic Discussion' started by Hongo, May 11, 2020.

  1. nflstreet

    nflstreet Member

    all I have to say is that Ilhan Omar is based and one of the good democrats, the democratic party can suck me dry though
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  2. Vent Xekart

    Vent Xekart VIP Bronze

    The thing is Elon Musk is worth $35.9B, he can always put that money back into Tesla and it'll be fine.
    Bullshit. Remember the chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee who sold stocks before the market plunged?
    He was a Republican.
    Roy Moore, the ex-Supreme Court Justice of Alabama that placed the so-called monument with ten commandments despite the fact it was unconstitutional?
    Also a Republican.
    Richard Nixon?
    I got plenty more examples of Republican Corruption I can throw at you.

    It doesn't really matter what party Donald Trump is a part of. He only does shit in office that he thinks will benefit himself, his ego, his family name, his businesses, and/or the businesses of a few allies. If that isn't corruption, I don't know what it is.
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  3. Fiz

    Fiz local jihad pro VIP Bronze

    heart been broke so many times I don’t know what to believe.... mama said it’s my fault... it’s my fault I wear my heart on my sleeve
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  4. Pokeben10

    Pokeben10 tell me pretty lies Moderator VIP Silver

  5. A Democrat once knocked a sandwhich out of my hands. Felt pretty mad.
    • Dumb Dumb x 2
  6. LeBlonde James

    LeBlonde James Supporter

    I feel as I shouldn’t keep this thread alive any longer. TL;DR the starter got the ban hammer apparently so he can’t participate in the convo anymore.

    Still I feel as responding since debates are great. Republicans and Democrats are very alike aside from deciding where to spend our in-debt budget and what social policies we should further. Republicans are conservative, keeping a status quo for comfort and security purposes. Democrats are progressive, allowing personal freedom considered abnormal once before. However aside from those, they’re the same. The fact that people think otherwise is funny. It explains why a lot of religious folk are republican, and why we say conservative when their economic policy is quite the opposite. It’s all about social policy. Conservative and Republican shouldn’t be able to be intertwined but they are. Two parties, two sides.
    I’m not going to attack any traditional/conservative folks, as they have fair points and I am friends to many. However my bias rolls in with the quote “Traditions are just peer pressure from dead people”.

    Not that we have that covered, nobody ruins anything. Each side makes fair points and play accordingly. Both sides have sketchy shit about each. If you’re going to propagandize your crazy theories on a certain congresswoman, that’s where you’ll lose people. Attacking anyone ever isn’t the way to have a conversation. That’s why this thread isn’t a convo and more of a crazy rant.

    Also for PokeBen’s response, haha good one. NoBoDy WoULd InTEntIonALLy PuT thE PooR dOWn. Very much sarcasm, weird to see people not get it. +1 point for him

    hope that’s the rest of this thread, let’s put it behind us. From here on out, don’t go ham on the conspiracies and never harass your points into people’s ears about them. Where a reasonable person should’ve stopped was when they named the thread “Democrats ruin everything”, a very big red flag to identifying an internal rage issue. Sounds like something my mom would say at the thanksgiving table.
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  7. Bogdanoff

    Bogdanoff VIP

    Republicans ad Democrats exist in a symbiotic cycle. When things are going great, the Democrats come out of the woodwork begging for everything the conservatives have built. When things inevitably go to shit, they start crying and Republicans have to clean up the mess they left behind.
    • Disagree Disagree x 3
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  8. Bogdanoff

    Bogdanoff VIP

    About the Democrats being more corrupt: It isn't so much a partisan issue as it is with the view on the governments. Democrats are extremely pro government, and giving the government power inevitably lends itself to corruption, so its no surprise that most states which tend to have more government power on a state level will be more corrupt.
    • Dumb Dumb x 4
    • Informative Informative x 1
  9. Pacifist

    Pacifist Cynically Insane VIP Bronze

    This is cute. Kind of like the budget surplus Bush fucked over, or the financial crises that Obama got us out of. I would actually love it if you could give a single fucking example of Republicans fixing anything.
    And Republicans are anti-government? Not really. Republicans expand the military like crazy every time they get into office, and they expand governmental power. I mean shit, just look at donald trump. The guy has expanded presidential power and pushed us closer to tyranny. Remember when he declared a national emergency to fund his border wall? Imagine if Bernie Sanders declared a national emergency to fund medicare for all. You fuckers would have a heart attack.

    So basically, no. You are wrong. I guess that is to be expected from a big brain fascist who has predicted the end times.
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  10. Vent Xekart

    Vent Xekart VIP Bronze

    Can we get a Staff Member or Admin to close this thread please? It's obvious @Hongo started this thread to stir up trouble.
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  11. Bogdanoff

    Bogdanoff VIP

    Lol, by their own self admitted views, Republicans do not believe in big government. Expanding the military is closer linked to Neo-conservatism ( a bastardization of conservative ideology really). Donald Trump is the furthest thing from a tyrant, please look up what Tyrants are (((ps a majorty of tyrants in recent history have been left wing (Pol Pot, Stalin, Mao, Nicolae, North Korea))) Declaring a national emergency fund isn't expanding anything, that is already in power :). Also, I am not a fascist, so im not sure why you're still butthurt about that
    • Disagree Disagree x 3
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    • Old Old x 1
  12. Pacifist

    Pacifist Cynically Insane VIP Bronze

    Actually, that is a power being expanded, as no other president has ever declared a national emergency to accomplish their political goals. Also, he isn't a tyrant per se, but he is definitely consolidating his power. Just look at the department of justice and the career prosecutors (both democrat and republican) that have left simply because Trump's goon is fucking over cases that involve Trump's friends.

    Also, I don't know if you are a facist, but the fact that you used the ((())) dogwhistle suggests you probably are. :D

    EDIT: i'm still waiting for you to tell me what republicans have fixed that democrats have fucked up.
    Last edited: May 20, 2020
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  13. Santa Claus

    Santa Claus Best Member VIP Bronze

    hey you r-words, the patriot act isn't a democrat or a republican thing ;)
    • Funny Funny x 1
  14. Santa Claus

    Santa Claus Best Member VIP Bronze

    Another example of the do-nothing dems trying to silence the white right /s
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  15. Vent Xekart

    Vent Xekart VIP Bronze

    You just proved my point. Once again, can an admin or mod please close this thread?
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  16. Santa Claus

    Santa Claus Best Member VIP Bronze

    • Funny Funny x 1
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  17. Santa Claus

    Santa Claus Best Member VIP Bronze

    "Oh jeeze oh man I cannot take this please prevent others from posting here."
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  18. This thread is causing so much trouble....I lost a tooth and an eye here... Yo Lil Donnie! I just drank toilet water because of this thread, still wanna be president little man?
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  19. Bogdanoff

    Bogdanoff VIP

    wtf is ((()))

    "No other president has ever declared a national emergecy" lmfao

    You are very clearly uniformed, Obama has issued twice the national emergencies that Trump has issue.

    Its funny you mention persecution, because they literally tried to entrap Trump.

    Please educate yourself, because you are upgrading yourself from clown to circus with every reply you make.
    • Confusing Confusing x 2
    • Dumb Dumb x 2
  20. Juice Juice™

    Juice Juice™ VIP Emerald Bronze

    Throwing my political opinion into the ring to see what comes of it:
    Corruption is on both sides. Corruption is the root of 90% of the issues in America (And most other countries). Both sides are corrupt. Because it's easier to manipulate the religious, Republicans were generally more corrupt than the Democrats.
    However, PC culture parallels religion without a specific deity. Because of that, corruption has had accelerated growth in the democratic ranks where is simply didn't exist before, but especially it has allowed corporations an easy method to avoid public scrutiny and get away with all sorts of bullshit behavior, which I truly find to be far more damaging to society as a whole than any politician's actions.

    Putting corruption aside, I have more respect for the Republican party, because for the most part it's filled with well-meaning idiots. They are (generally) doing the wrong things for the wrong reasons, but they think they are doing the right things for the right reasons, which I can appreciate and try and make friend with.

    Democrats (generally) do things for the right reasons, though there are of course the wrong things mixed in. The problem is, especially in the activist side of things, they know their methods are wrong. They don't care. I consistently hear talk of dismantling the system or fixing X, but instead of going out and campaigning like the Republicans, they'd rather look for easy fixes.

    Look at the gun control debate. Anyone I talk to about it, regardless of their political leaning, agrees with safer guns. It has bi-partisan support at the basic level, but because the NRA campaigns so hard we still don't have those safety measures. Why? Because there is nobody actually campaigning against them. We'll have article after article spread around the internet, protest after protest where people will show up and yell and wave signs around for an hour before going home, but nobody will actually take the time to organize these demonstrations in places where it matters, or go to the hearings where lawmakers actually discuss these things with the general people, or even just call in.

    Democrats are also the ones who create the most tribalism. MAGA isn't popular because it's filled with good ideas, MAGA is popular because everyone who would fit under that 'title' has one thing in common: They fucking hate the Democrats. You see it from Republicans nowadays too, but go a few years back and the only ones mentioning race, gender, culture, religion, sex, whatever- It was always Democrats who first brought it up. The exception to this is if talking facts. Two big ones- Fact: People under the Muslim faith have a higher percentage of chance to be dangerous when compared to any other religion. Fact: Black people commit more crime.
    The 'why' of this is extremely important, and everyone gets the 'why' wrong all the time, but especially for the Black crime thing, instead of focusing on the 'Why' they focused on the person saying it. Like, imagine if the reaction from the general populace to that question was 'Yes, black people commit more crime. The reason why is because their communities are poor'. It would evaporate the hostility between the two sides in an instant. It acknowledges the Republican's concerns while validating the Democrats'. It immediately allows the discussion to progress to the next step: A resolution. And sure, we might argue about that resolution, but at least the Democrats gain a serious leg up in the morality department if the Republicans dig their heels in. And it beats throwing around accusations of bigotry and racism and just raising hostilities between the two parties.

    I can't fault Republicans who do the stupidest, most bigoted things because I know that, for the most part, tehy think they are doing good. Democrats, in my opinion, are garbage, because they are the ones that want change, they do what they know is wrong, and they are the ones that don't want to be the ones to enact that change. They always want someone else to do it for them. They always go after the wrong targets, or the easy targets, people who have absolutely no control the root causes of actual issues in the world. Remember Sargon of Akkad? The biggest charges against him were over racism and sexism. The riots and protests he's caused, even the smallest ones, dwarf 90% of the protests against companies that are known to use child or slave labor, and god forbid anyone on the left go after the Middle East which executes women for being raped The left is no longer about fixing issues, it's about feeling good about themselves for identifying an issue and pretending they did anything about it.

    I spent a lot of time typing this for like, 10 people to see it lmao.
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