Deathshot .50 second RDM no mods

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by BananaCoconuts, Dec 17, 2013.

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  1. DeathShot

    DeathShot VIP

    I see this isn't going to go anywhere past a he said she said argument so ill leave it on this post. judgment has already been passed
  2. Angelx

    Angelx Always Innocent VIP

    Well if he did agree to it.. he made a false report against you Deathshot.
  3. DeathShot

    DeathShot VIP

    seeing as though no proof of either account can be provided, his word is just as valid as mine with only the log that says Im the bad guy in the situation. im not the type to shoot someone in the face for no reason.. that's too boring. if I intentionally rdm its doing something cool, which onset my prop killing antics
  4. He was pointing a colt at my head and when I went somewhere else he followed me and said "Come here Banana" then pointed a colt to my head and i was just jumping so that i could not get headshot
  5. DeathShot

    DeathShot VIP

    my point exactly. my version and your version apparently occurred in 2 different dimensions. but im a college student so my memory probably is not as good. more than likely im wrong and what I see in your story as a total fabrication is the truth. but no one will ever know for sure
  6. DieKasta

    DieKasta :Blackalien: Forever VIP

    Topic Locked. This is going nowhere.
  7. Zikeji

    Zikeji Repoleved VIP Emerald

    Just wanted to add, even it if was agreed upon as a fight, we don't allow that. Goes right along with propfighting.
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