Just make it able to heal 100 (or 50 if you really wanna nerf them or whatever) with no recharge. That'll balance it. The healing rate stays the same. (5 per click iirc?)
Have the explosive potential of the death station decrease the more you use it. For example: 100HP in DS = 100% power
Even if the healing was only like 50hp it'd still be one of the strongest and most used T equipments. Good suggestions I picked 1.
I think your first option: the death station giving you one second chance, is viable since you can even throw it outside of t room and hidden spots, use it once and then go away leaving a nice trap.
I don’t like either option, I’d say cap it at 100 but have no health decline (and not use the one time option.) So It gives the fairness to the traitors keeping the edge to try again because it can be EXTREMELY hard for a traitor when he can be: a) called out in voice chat or regular chat. Cmon most of us know what we are doing so we make a focus of who’s kosed and that person becomes priority, which is bad for the traitor. b) low health so he gets that extra chance to healed fully but again for most regulars, we like to put ourselves into multiple engagements where he’s taken damage from a lot of players(this can also be a pretty good balance because once you used up all 100 hp it becomes a upward battle because you don’t have the access to anymore hp) c)low credits. Another scenario is where you’re the last t, your t buddies died because of bad plays and detectives now have a lot more credits and more likely innos know who’s innocent from the kills. Hp stations can be strategically used as hp and a bomb if placed or replacing a health station. But hey that’s my two cents. Anyway I really don’t like either option because that means the death station isn’t reliable and makes the trip to buy the upgrade not really worth as much because both options really gut the effectiveness.
Option 2 because it at least means that once you use it you will start to lose the potential health from i but as solar said I think it would be best to make it a 100 hp cap and no recharge,which means that you don't get punished really hard for getting one. Like I heal when I have 50 hp but that means that 100 of it will just be a waste unless I take damage right afterwards. Even if you have to stand still with option 1 you would still have as far as I know get the fastest healing to 100 hp in the game even with the upgrades to the health station and you could use t room to get a place to stay still in.
I would say keep it the same, but give it something that penalizes the T for using it. Like a highlight that gains 1% brightness per health and fades away at 1% per second, or the tear-gas effect. Or it poisons you, 1 damage per 10 seconds or something like that. These are probably bad examples, but the point is, we can have fun with this
The reason I like the single heal more than being able to heal constantly is it stops people from cheesing maps like innocentmotel where you just place down a deathstation in the T room and then constantly jump into the pit to heal up any small amount of damage you took, practically zero risk involved if you play carefully.
option 1 sound more balanced any one says its would be nerfed look at Vanilla eunillas pros they don't even need a deathstation only their health, learn to play
I am against a change in every sense of the idea. But if a change is to be made option 2 is more appealing with upgrades to allow a larger charge. I mean this was a pretty damn expensive upgrade to get which is fair that it is op ... If a nerf for this is pushed through, I would highly suggest a point refund and a re-pricing of the deathstation heal.
This doesnt really fix the T room problem once you consider every T can buy a deathstation. Innomotel etc can still be cheesed every T round for a lot of kills by AK or sl8 with full ammo and just dropping into pit after each magazine and healing for any dmg taken, and if your DS hits limit you can just ask a T mate to buy one(which they do p often even already). Making it just 100 wont fix it imo. Healing is still absolutely one of the best things you can get in a round even if its nerfed to one of these options. Not to mention expensive upgrade does not mean it has to be overly OP, instaknife is just 1 kill(which you have to waste credit for and leave DNA) and how much is that worth?
Also don't make it disappear on use because i love dropping them as I die and then watching people blow up as they try to id my body.
Option 1 but with even less health. Like 50 or something. I think a traitor can last pretty long with just 100 health.
I dont agree with the change of death station but if we have to I would go for option 1. its a simple option wich could be a game changer.