Dawg Chowder

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by Angelx, Sep 17, 2013.

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  1. Dawg Chowder

    Dawg Chowder Regular Member

    Why would I need to do an investigation if 1) I never did anything traitorous and 2) I was killed right after IDing a body. I am really the only person who actually investigates reports, unlike most others. Killa actually told me that I wasn't supposed to ask why somebody killed them anymore because of the new feature telling the person when they were reported, however I still ask. And I love how you said high horse, because it shows that you think I'm wrong due to your extremely biased opinion. Every report has been proven false and closed under harassment, yet you decide to act without thinking or INVESTIGATING. I hope you read that carefully, because you obviously didn't read the reports carefully. Even if you decide to offer me back a staff position after figuring out you're wrong, I will decline, due to how oblivious you are to any factual evidence. If you feel like I don't deserve a spot because some people made false reports, while I've shown in many situations that I treat everyone equally, dedicate my time to improving the server and explaining the rules on YOUR behalf even if it makes ME look bad, then you do not deserve my respect. You do not deserve anyone's respect if you screw with somebody trying to help you. I do not regret anything I've done in this server except donating money, to again help you. I have always stayed true to my word and opinion and it will never change. EVERYONE deserves a fair trial, even if the person is against all odds. Why? Because I'm an American and that's what America is based on. If anyone reads this, I hope you do not treat people differently just because they are against the odds. Stand up for others, and yourself, even if it makes you the bad guy.
  2. Highwon

    Highwon Owner VIP Silver

    When someone is reported for rdm using the rdm reporter, it will auto ask them. I generally ask the person anyway just because some people tend to miss things in chat. In this case however, there was no report and you didn't ask her what her reason was. You can't assume just because you think you aren't doing anything traitorous that you aren't actually doing anything traitorous. I have been killed on multiple occasions without noticing a unidentified body and I always find out after I ask. Simple.

    If you regret donating money then I'll gladly refund your donation if it was made less than 14 days ago. Just send me the transaction ID to confirm the refund.
  3. Gonz

    Gonz Chill... VIP

    That didn't take long. I don't want to say I told you so, but I really did.
  4. Killamarshall

    Killamarshall Hmm... interesting.. Smite anyone?? VIP

    not to necessary though trash :/ even if you did kinda mean
  5. ComPeter

    ComPeter VIP

    Locked: Resolved
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