DarkRP - Thoughts and Ideas

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Opalium, Apr 8, 2017.

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  1. Gonco

    Gonco white knight VIP

    its gonna be popular at first then die
    • Optimistic Optimistic x 2
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    • Dumb Dumb x 1
  2. dazza

    dazza Banned VIP Bronze

    Personally, never tried DarkRP, however i would be very willing to play it if we got a darkRP server :)
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  3. Gonco

    Gonco white knight VIP

    another note: if you're gonna hold DarkRP i hope you're ready for all the fucking reports against staff, players, and shit storm that will come with it
    • Agree Agree x 3
    • Funny Funny x 1
  4. Zack

    Zack Shepherd of Fire VIP

    I keep seeing you dorks rambling on about DR and MC like they haven't been played out for an age. From a statistics standpoint, DarkRP is still running strong and -will- sustain a player base all its own, even if no one in the thread decides to give it a go. That said, my personal experiences with it have lead me to affirm some of the points made, such as:

    1) Incredible tendency towards a toxic player base. Even with a highly capable staff, my previous community's efforts to run DarkRP, while momentarily successful, were constantly barraged by trashy, ignorant sorts who had no real interest in the rules or the atmosphere of the server. It made things highly stressful on the staff the larger it got. Be ready for this as a possibility, or it will bite you in the ass.
    2) Fun! The game mode, when not overrun by absurdity, has the potential to be pretty neat. It wouldn't be as popular as it is otherwise, in my opinion at least.
    3) Requires deep customization to excel. A basic-bitch DarkRP isn't going to achieve anything. We'll need ( within consideration to limitations ) a gimmick that makes it our own. Minecraft lacked this, and suffered for it tremendously.
    4) The staff has to be premium and able to handle high-paced problems, during peak times. As the protocol for stopping troublemakers in DarkRP differs from TTT, the expectations on the people who would staff it have to be very capable. Not handi-capable. Take that as you like.
    5) Economical importance. Someone, Etched I think, had mentioned that good players would do the same thing they did in MC, and take full advantage of meta knowledge to rake in heaps of cash and effectively control things to an extent. While I feel this is a bit of a pain in the ass, it's not as big a problem in the DarkRP setting as it is on a MC economy.

    I have more thoughts on this, probably, and I'll share them later if the need arises. I'm for the idea, and as a closing thought, whoever suggested Prop Hunt, that's a cool game mode but, don't you think it, DR, Murder, Melon Bomber and some others could be configured in to a minigames server, instead? Individually, those modes have no real staying power.
    • Winner Winner x 1
  5. Salisian

    Salisian An unbroken series of successful gestures VIP

    I've been barking up this tree for years now, because this is kind of the non-TTT thing I'd have the most interest in. Hell, I'd even play DeathRun if it was part of THIS kind of server, where the gamemode itself is up for grabs. At that point, it's a server for a certain mindset of person, who's there for some variance and possibly friends and community, and less for dank bhops.

    While this sounds like it might be troublesome to train moderators in 5-6 game modes, it pales in comparison to the utter nonsense that comes with DarkRP. That gamemode inhales trolls and secretes salt and toxins. While the TTT ruleset has largely curbed most forms of trollery, in the other games/modes the staff team never came down hard enough on the behaviors that drove people away, and they suffered for it. There really is no other way to conjoin the disparate ideas of what "roleplay" entails, and I have a feeling the same soft touch with DarkRP will create a server I don't mesh with.

    Or maybe I'm just rationalizing this because I'm tired of SGM's not making/playing the alternate games/modes I want to play.
    • Winner Winner x 1
  6. Pacifist

    Pacifist Cynically Insane VIP Bronze

    My ideas mostly stem from this idea that darkrp should be roleplaying. I've never enjoyed playing on a darkrp server that forced me to play a specific thing, and forced me to follow it's roleplaying rules. Obvious rules like "Don't RDM" "Don't propspam or propblock" makes sense to people, but when you are telling me that hobos are the only people that can build outside I get ideas of limitations. If I want to build a gun stand to sell people guns on the roadside, why am I being told no? I'm roleplaying an american gun dealer who doesn't want to be taxed by the man, and doesn't want the establishment taking money from him. He's a freedom kind of guy, why limit him?
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  7. I absolutely would enjoy a DarkRP server but that's just me. I will spend hours upon hours on a RP server at times and with TTT and DR it's fun yes but It can get a tad boring at times cause its not much new stuff to see. Obvious jobs would be your Mayor (Makes the laws which would not be dumb and insane) your Police Chief and Police Officers, the obvious hobo which can play music through his mic to gain money (but ofcourse if told to stop has to listen and do so) and ofcourse your normal Gundealers both black market and regular. Could have a Theater Manager who can put up Youtube videos. Casino Owners would be nice as I love to spend my money alot on gambling. Rules would be pretty simple as I can think of a few like.
    • Raiding is permitted but can only raid the same guy every 10-15 minutes
    • Raiding the Mayors Office is permitted if laws you suggest to get removed aren't removed after 4+ minutes
    • Gun dealers need a gun license to sell to people
    • Civis or others need a gun license to own a gun
    • Rdming is not permitted
    • Prop climbing is not permitted as it's really not role playing it's just being nonsensable
    • Building in public is only allowed by hobos unless given special rights by the mayor
    Basically the rules I think should be added of course. My expectations of this would be try to keep it alive by listening to suggestions that get put on the forums and other little things that you hear. DarkRP to me is something that I think would be a great thing to look towards as alot of people like to just lay back and have fun RPing as a new person.
  8. Togo ✿

    Togo ✿ Nobody Gets it VIP Silver

    dark rp toxicity level is basically toxic ex staff in sb spamming birb x 100,000,000
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  9. Driad

    Driad New Member

    Honestly a DarkRP could probably be vanilla and still sustain itself with the amount of community we got going on. A DarkRP just has to be not too uptight and somewhat unique to work well as a server.
    • Optimistic Optimistic x 1
  10. If my opinion will be weighed, I would like to give a single piece of advice for what I would expect of the server. On our Serious TTT server, one of the biggest things I like if the simplicity of the UI and the simplicity of the player models and everything. Unlike a lot of other premature and obnoxious servers, there's not too much flashiness and too many colors cluttering the screen, turning people like me away. I would love a SeriousRP game type on a big map that not many DarkRP servers use with fun jobs that aren't limited to VIP only and stuff like that. FearlessRP lets you be a president even if you aren't VIP and I think that should be how all RP servers act. Just not too much is all I would ask.
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  11. Driad

    Driad New Member

    Yeah seriously any DarkRP servers with VIP restrictions can fuck right off.
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  12. .shirt

    .shirt VIP

    I assume that you will be paying for the server then?
  13. Xproplayer

    Xproplayer VIP Silver

    Of the 5 top servers I looked at that had 75+ people, many many items were paywalled, this is how the servers survive, if we build a darkrp server I'll ensure the paywalls aren't going to ruin the experience, people will still be able to play without VIP just as they can on ttt.
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  14. But Serious TTT doesn't give any advantages or unlock anything special for other players besides cosmetic changes. Maybe small go carts or something to ride around fast for VIPs? Suits to look nice like in FearlessRP? I think there are several ways to make DarkRP fun and a better experience for VIP members and up without limiting gameplay for those who don't pay. Going by what everyone in this thread is saying, it may be hard to get players to join as it is, and it may push people away if they have to pay 10 bucks or more to unlock better jobs.
  15. Xproplayer

    Xproplayer VIP Silver

    Paywalls can be behind jobs that are just slightly better verisons, a lot of paywalls are behind tools that can be abused, that would have to be assessed. and vips on ttt get a decent advantage with their weapon selection, but non vip can just buy if they afk a bit
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  16. Daddy Nexxus

    Daddy Nexxus Toxi-Fessional VIP

    If you can get a DarkRP server massively popular for a short period of time, regular DarkRP players will see it, join the community, and get involved.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  17. Wex

    Wex The enemy of art is the absence of limitations VIP Bronze

    The DarkRP servers I've played on, regular users and Donators gets the same type of jobs, Donators just get an upgraded version of that job.

    Example: Everyone get's Thief job, but Donators get Pro Thief with a better skin and another tool or something that doesn't give any advantages over the other. Doesn't limit gameplay at all to regular users.

    Some other donator benefits included the stacker tool to make building easier. The stacker tool could easily be abused by normal users that's why it's a donation benefit. If they pay money just to crash the server then they deserve to be severely punished.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  18. Mr. Disco

    Mr. Disco Jeff Lynne is a musical genius. VIP

    @Opalium as a vet here at SGM/STTT and a former moderator twice now, and also former admin and mod of a darkRP server called "Gage's DarkRP" then a moderator for like 8+ months on the divinity RP.

    Let me give you my thoughts, my experiences from both servers, and then the outlook on how we can put some cool features from those servers into creating ideas for ours.

    Gage's was awful actually. Economy corrupt, people literally went around handing out money by the billions, it was unbalanced and not fun. It ran the OG (Like the literal original) downtown map. The map was alright, but the staff were awful, you could go around picking people up with the physics gun. Donations were a simple cash grab. Donate for mod, admin head admin, or even co-owner. Honestly I give it a solid 3/10 just because I had fun with my brother.

    Divinity is quite the package actually. It's such a great place, except for some of the racism and homophobia allowed in RP context. However, here's a run down on why I love it out of literally 90% of all DarkRP servers. The staff. You can't run around in noclip as a mod picking people up with a physics gun telling them not to do something. Instead you tell them to stop doing it as it breaks this rule, and instead you could do so and so which is allowed. There's no !warn command that gives someone a warning point for "RDM" there's no !jail or anything. Let me state something before moving on, DarkRP has lots of rules and small RP situations that can't be defined all in one big rule. They need to be specifically defined. Anyway, continuing with divinityRP staffing techniques. Let's say someone RDM'd me because they didn't know the specific situation. What would happen is I would call for an admin sit for RDM. The offender and the victim would be brought to the sit by a staff member. The staff member would ask the users to please use chat so everything is understood, and for logs. Then the victim and the offender would explain what happened. We would check the logs to see if so and so story adds up. And if everything checks out, and then we come to a verdict. This guy broke NLR by coming back to his death point before the timer was up. He also broke NLR using RP context from a former life to go back and kill someone resulting in a RDM. What would happen is we would explain that very thing to the victim. We would tell him what he did wrong, we would not kick, ban or add warning points to him. He would go on about his day and slowly players who want to RP and learn rules will gain, players that come to troll will be banned. Because if you have like 500 hours and you claim you don't know what RDM or NLR is, then you are probably lying, moderators then check POs, and keep a careful eye on them. If they were caught they got banned. This works better because in DarkRP there's hundreds of rules to read, and not everyone can remember them all, and most people want to sit and play the game instead.

    Basically Divinity allowed mods discretion on whether someone was lying. Super admins would handle ban appeals, this way there's not really a bias. If you think this way of staffing is flawed, so be it, however this is the best damn way to staff a DarkRP server. You learn as you go. Since I probably didn't explain it well, please read this from their staff guide.

    Now we're not here to copy other servers, but i'd rather staffing be based on teaching and not punishing with /jail.

    Also you didn't need to advert raid/mug/rape, literally any crime. Just do it if your class allows it. Why advert raid? That's literally a stupid trend made up by servers.
    However mug warnings must be put in chat with a specified amount and a min time of 10 seconds.

    Anyway, moving on yes I'd love DarkRP. But right now we're shitting out games and not even thinking about them. If we're going to do DarkRP please allow me to apply to be on the content team. I'm more than happy to help make the server unique. However please work on minecraft like get skyblock or something, fun game and fun gamemode. there's like one thousand darkrp servers that use downtown, and have staff that use !warn system, and punish people for things they didn't know was a thing. I know in TTT we punish people when they didn't know, but that's TTT. Let's not be one of those servers that follow the bangwagon of tons of cute commands for mods to ban people for RDM after like the third offense. There's WAY more ways to RDM in DarkRP than TTT, and it's harder to learn all of the rp situations, and understand context of rules and stuff.

    If you want I'll later go on in depth into content and what to add.

    EDIT: To add, if we get one, let me help with rules. Please. They need to be well-thought out not something out of the blue like each class has a rule. Under each rule should be a sub-rule for a situation.
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  19. Hyper ✿

    Hyper ✿ peace lata VIP Bronze

    Personally, I love Bhop also, but I'm not sure if something like that would last too long. Deathrun is pretty much somewhere you can Bhop in "peace" but it hasn't been the most successful. I think you get the idea.
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  20. Voca

    Voca o.o Administrator VIP

    Personally, I believe it would be of best interest of the community to keep the focus on our current servers, updating and expanding those.

    DarkRP might be popular, but that also causes the mode to already have Popular servers, so it wouldnt be that easy to get some of the regular DarkRP players, to play on this whole new DarkRP server that comes out of nowhere o.o
    Also on the previous Community I were part of, before I started playing on SGMOD.
    Started out with 1 server for Murder, but we kept expanding into new gamemodes, eventually we had 5 servers and 5 different gamemodes. They were populated for a bit of time, but as time passed by, only the original server that we were known for, was getting populated. We just didnt get many new members from the other servers we had.
    Despice how popular the gamemode was o.o
    • Old Old x 1
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