Carned slayed me for killing someone who prop hurt me

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by Peralta, Apr 2, 2014.

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  1. NeverEnding

    NeverEnding It's Never going to end. Trust me on this. VIP

    i am going to give myself a experiment and get back to this report if i can. Please ignore me if you really have to. i just find this ridiculous since the slay has been void.
  2. NeverEnding

    NeverEnding It's Never going to end. Trust me on this. VIP

    i have tried it myself with the ttt_print_damagelog. i don't see my personal fall damage.
  3. Carned

    Carned ✘o ✘o VIP Silver Emerald

    Okay so i did some testing as a T using a flinging props bouncing them the lot and making sure i've got fall damage in the logs but still nothing comes up
  4. Tsu

    Tsu Emma is love. Emma is Life. VIP

    Just tested with Carned. A flung prop that kills someone outright doesn't show, the person just shows as having died to world.

    But when I flung it with less velocity and just dmged him, it showed, but it showed 10 dmg when I actually did 2. So yeah, pretty glitchy. However, when I only dmged without killing the dmg showed.
  5. NeverEnding

    NeverEnding It's Never going to end. Trust me on this. VIP

    anyway if that's the case. the main deal about this report was him saying you slayed him wrongly. true enough you did take a step back and retrace your mistake. a void was already given. so i don't think this needs to go on anymore. (that's my verdict)./
  6. ZeRo

    ZeRo :sneaky: Banned VIP Silver

    The problem with prop damage is that it's really iffy. The logs don't lie, but sometimes, it can be wrong as far as the output of damage that's been given to other players. There were times where I got hit by a prop and it never showed up even with fall damage enabled.
  7. Linkthedinosaur

    Linkthedinosaur Self Proclaimed Master of the No Scope VIP

    Topic Locked because of request by user.

    If you wish to continue talk of prop damaging and how it works in the logs, create a new thread.
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