Rejected Can we go back to before christmas update?

Discussion in 'TTT Suggestions' started by avukyi2r3, Jan 2, 2018.

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  1. (ØČĐ)™ Atlas ︻デ═一

    (ØČĐ)™ Atlas ︻デ═一 Always Gray ︻デ═一 VIP

    Jackhammer was overnerfed
    Sl8 was over nerfed

    Ak was a good nerf.

    Snipers got a nice buff but i want the reserve mags back with loadouts. As someome who snipes on a lot of maps i lose that valuable pre round time to get to my holes before the match starts and some of my holes you end up taking damage to get to so having that health reset was rather nice.

    I faught a balancing tooth and nail and it feels like the oppinion of a few whiny cunts overtook the concensus of the rest of the players. This weapons update took a lot of the fun out of the game for me, I honestly enjoyed playing against the meta to figure out how to combat it, I mean I made the huge my viable weapon on a few maps getting 5+ kills when i was fucking around. Long story short you fuckers who bitched about the op weapons deserved what you got with this, but too many got punished for your bitching.
    • Agree Agree x 3
    • Disagree Disagree x 2
    • Funny Funny x 1
  2. Jabba the Slut

    Jabba the Slut That's Kinky! Lead Admin VIP Silver

    Alright so one defense for the weapon change was that it encouraged the players to try new guns and diversified the weapon pool. I would say, in my experience, it had the opposite effect.

    Before the change I would use the AK-47, HK SL8, and the Winchester 1887, even the plain Rifle when I couldn't get a SL8. After the change, I exclusively use the HK-416. Most regulars I see, play primarily with the HK-416 or the M4A4. The nerfs made to the AK aren't awful, but the use I had for it was no longer met, as a short/medium range weapon, and the HK-416 became the best option, for shooting at EVERY range. The Rifle became nauseating to use due to the automatic un-scope/re-scope.

    Take my reduced weapon diversity with a grain of salt however, as the change was pretty close me also getting VIP and the accompanying load-out setting.

    And I'm in no way stating that the solution is to nerf the HK-416 and M4A4. But the change didn't make us use all the other weapons instead. We just adapted. And the two "OP" weapons of the time were just switched for two more "OP" guns. (Gimme my Jackhammer back, a group of about seven Ts told me I was last and I murdered every last one of them with that thing. #RIPSniperShotgun)
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2018
    • Funny Funny x 1
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