Lordy, Paci, and Mango were epic. Teroxa was epic for the first couple months as lead. I'm not allowed to voice my opinion on the others.
I know you are banned right now so you can't see this, but I just wanted to inform you that I didn't resign from admin because of you. I know in your little pea sized brain it makes you feel good to be the center of attention, but honestly? I forgot you even existed. I literally wiped you from my brain because you are insignificant to me. Furthermore, this thread is pretty rich from someone who has never even been a moderator. It is pretty funny because you know fuck all about staffing a server, let alone running a community. It is honestly pretty sad. It is also pretty hilarious that you give me so much shit when I basically fixed a lot of the mistakes of everyone you listed. I don't know fuck all about DocFox, but I fixed his extended rules thread to be more clear. I handled all those reports Teroxa didn't do. I filled all the admin slots scuffed never filled, I trained Jabba and got him to where he is today, and I was Lordy's admin for a very long time. So what you are doing, in essence, is attacking me, because for the better part of last year I WAS the lead administration. So if you wanna talk shit about papa pacifist at least do it in a way that doesn't get yourself banned, retard. (also @Sticky Bandit ⚔️ i felt hawassed )
Pacifist my ass. Listen I don't always agree with staff and there decisions but to call any of them dictators is pretty over the top. If SGM was ruled by ''dictators'' I would not be able to tell Jabba to take his ban and stick it up his ass nor would this thread even still be up. The entire free speech policy on the server throws the dictator point out the window as it a direct contradiction to what a dictator is. Dictators also have a trait of intimidation through many means and if anyone is really intimidated by any of those names you listed then they might as well have confidence the equivalent to a possum. (Jabba the Slut isn't exactly a name that inspires fear or commands respect.) Mainly defending Jabba here as he is the one I am most familiar with and is someone I at first didn't like but have grown to enjoy overtime. By the way I will be referring as the lead admins as ''The Lead Cult'' from now on as it has a nice ring to it.
>He couldn't handle me >Banned for harassment >Calls him retarded >Goes Scott free Where is the King's Justice? Oh my god! You're a big deal aren't you? Can you sign my mousepad? I have never seen someone take a Garry's Moderator rank so seriously before, well I guess this is SERIOUS TTT.
Remember this is the guy calling himself Papa. I laughed, I found this funny, and my lips even moved into a smile.
If you're going to resort to using pictures of staff/ex-staff as a means to talk shit or get any sort of clout, then you'll lose any fucks that were given. Then you must not have had any love or happiness whatsoever if this is what it takes for you to show emotion.
First of all, I didn't report UncleBee because I wasn't offended. I literally do not give a shit what he has to say. I just think that if you are going to talk shit you should be prepared to take shit back. The fact that I got warned for harassment kind of proves that he can dish it out but he can't take it. Whatever. Second of all, papa pacifist was what they called me when I was an admin. The nickname is almost ironic because I am neither a papa nor am I swol. I know, humor can be lost on some people. Also, I know that it can be pretty hard to become apart of a community, and that often times people will go to extremes and say a lot of dumb shit to fit in, but honestly dude? This aint it. Your positive to negative ratio is comical, your disses are weak, and also, you wish you were as hansom as me dipshit. (btw, if you report me for harassment and get me banned, well, guess we'll find out just how spineless you actually are)