yes, thats exactly what i meant, ive been on other servers that have it and i had pretty much infinite points on the second day, it can be easily abused.
it will cause people to be less likely to donate because a big advantage donators get is percent off points all of the things in the shop, and if you can get an insane amount of points from betting insane numbers, you can buy everything anyways
For the suggestion of TTT betting, why not just keep bets small? Like chump change bets that could buy you a loadout next round. Max bet 50 points? It would then take winning bets on many rounds which would require dedication and good prediction to get anywhere near the amount to buy an upgrade. For my minor adjustment to your suggestion as stated before that no one has addressed yet, what if betting was only allowed on fun rounds? And when people die and become spectators, can vote at any time, however the earlier they vote the better their payout if they win. Though, if they vote early hoping for someone to be a victor and that person dies, then the bet money goes to a pool and they can vote again if they'd like on the remaining players. Or limit it where the fun round betting system only starts when there's a few amount of players left standing and it's like a chip bet of 20 points to just have some fun.
If you have not read of what I said before then I'll just repeat what I said. "The winning players will receive a PERCENTAGE of the money bet, every winnter gets equally paid." Please refrain from making ignorant accusations. And having an "Insane amount of points" doesn't allow you to get Donator or more items. Not that you can get "Insane amount of points" from this anyway.
Exactly, it seems that people don't understand what betting pools and limits are. If what we are worried at is the exploiting of server mechanics to gain points, maybe we should start discussing The CC Panda winning one lottery and using the prize money to rig the next four or so lotteries and winning an Because what you're worried about is already able to happen, and won't happen in this betting system.
you get 10 points every 2 minutes. It took me 3 days to get 10000 points saved up. Betting would make it just a bit easyer to get points.
Things that would need to be done to minimize abuse- 1. Make it so only the dead can bet 2. Cap the amount that can be bet, possibly around 50-200 points (Discourages someone messaging another player to throw the round in return for some of the share) 3. Make the window that someone can accept the bet be extremely short, probably no longer than twenty seconds, and allow the person to retract the bet before the someone else has accepted it. More stringent ideas to discourage abuse- 1. Some of the points go to the "house" (Lower payouts will lower the amount the feature is used) 2. Only allow bets during "fun rounds"