best gun in serious ttt?

Discussion in 'TTT Discussion' started by =PB= DEMONIC ECLIPSE, Sep 8, 2015.

  1. DB is OP... yeah. But for all round? P90 or AK47 tbh Pistol is colt.
  2. Barrett or Rifle(vanilla) and SL8
    Get good.
  3. Chastity4lyfe

    Chastity4lyfe *Eye roll* VIP Silver

    I really like the Famas or Jackhammer, but i'm just awful at the game anyway so whichever gun helps me in the slightest is my friend hehe.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  4. Alpha Wolfy

    Alpha Wolfy Nocturnal VIP

    AK-47 for me all day. Especially since I have the gold skin for it :sneakylove:
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. Tinbuster00

    Tinbuster00 See you on the forums! VIP Silver Emerald

    Common knowledge that the gold skin does extra damage as well I would never lie
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. Muffin

    Muffin Fresh Baked VIP

    I mean, it has to be the AK47 in my opinion. Crazy damage, if you can control the recoil. Unstoppable at close range, good at medium range, and when that fails, Silenced Pistol/Dragunov for long range.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. Kawaii

    Kawaii Paper Towns

    These guns.

    But seriously, its all up to personal preference.
    • Winner Winner x 2
    • Funny Funny x 1
  8. Rambo

    Rambo Shoot first, ask later. VIP

    Winchester for those ez pz headshots.
  9. DieKasta

    DieKasta :Blackalien: Forever VIP

    Newton Launcher.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. kynwall

    kynwall "Painting Roses" VIP

    I enjoy the Colt 1911 for it's history, however on our servers the damage output is real.
    The Flare Gun is love, I thoroughly enjoy burning people alive and listening to their screams as I sit in the back of the map giggling knowing they have NO PROOF!
    How can I forget the AK-47 for it's sheer amount of destructive power? Point, click, repeat.
  11. Chastity4lyfe

    Chastity4lyfe *Eye roll* VIP Silver

    yaaaas flare gun and run away for the saddest death. hehehe
    • Funny Funny x 1
  12. IcE.Cream

    IcE.Cream VIP Bronze

    The ACR is the best. It was extremely high fire rate, and high damage.

    2 Shots to the head are a sure-kill, and 4-5 to the body is lethal.
  13. Stat based, I'd say the ak but I prefer the m16. It really just depends on how the gun feels to you.
  14. Quantum

    Quantum Active Member

    The shotgun never fails me in times of need.
  15. Staples

    Staples ~Storm princess. VIP

    the PDW is a great weapon if you like control and critical damage. however it lacks the time to kill that weapons like the shotgun,or the AK-47. in the end it comes down to preference and play style, if you like aggressive, loud and proud game play, go for something like a shotgun (they all have their place) or a higher damage rife like the AK-47, however if you're like me and like to spread confusion you should try something with a bit less DPS and a bit more accuracy. (if you can hit someone in the head your base DPS is almost meaningless) if you like a nice balance, or even something that's just easy to control try something like the scar-H or the aforementioned PDW.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  16. Ravin

    Ravin Determination VIP

    I liked the PDW, AK, and HK are all great guns, though I aim for the head so these guns can do quite the damage. Honey Badger isn't bad either.

    I prefer the three above though. They just have a bit more kick and range and when you get the kills going people have no idea what is going on. AK's draw a bit of attention. PDW and HK are a bit less used and not heard as often, so people won't 'Know you killed them' by the sound of your weapon and claim they 'saw you' as often.
    • Agree Agree x 2
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  17. Communion (1989) Putlockers HD Stream Eng Sub

    Communion (1989) Putlockers HD Stream Eng Sub i'm thinking i'm thinking VIP

    calling someone a scrub
    • Agree Agree x 2
  18. Jackhammer is bae. Nice fire rate with a shotgun, great for people like me who can't aim.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  19. Silent Rebel

    Silent Rebel Lead Shitposter VIP

    ak 47 and the colt, although i have recently fallen in love with the PDW. I've used the ACR and the honey badger before, both are great guns. Also, the hk sl8 is pretty OP. Out of all the guns that can 1 shot headshot, the hk sl8 has the fastest fire rate and a scope and the largest magazine.
    • Like Like x 2
  20. A lot of people (while I am on the server) really seem to like the double barrel. Personally I find that the colt and either Rifle, or the Hk sl8 I think it's called.