Answered Are you allowed to KOS for someone picking up sniper ammo?

Discussion in 'Questions & Answers' started by MAJOR NEIL, Oct 6, 2014.

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  1. Enigmatica

    Enigmatica The Song Lives On Banned

    We aren't robots that notice everything in a 36 player server.
  2. Mr Butters

    Mr Butters For a few to be immortal, many must die. VIP

    Well, you should be. jks.

    But I never said notice "everything" but there is alot of simple things that are missed.
  3. Rice

    Rice stay golden. VIP

    When you said staff aren't always attentive, you are implying that we don't notice everything. Which is true. But if we had noticed everything, we would not be "not always attentive".
  4. Mr Butters

    Mr Butters For a few to be immortal, many must die. VIP

    No, Im implying that some of the staff just alt tab and only really deal with text reports. I know its impossible to notice everything. But if you must alt tab to do whatever the hell you want to outside of the game and just wait for reports to role in, why not do it the @Spectral way and change your settings to have sound play through when you are alt tabbed, this way you can listen, do your own thing but know if any verbal KOS's are called or not. It would prevent alot of lying that myself and my boy have caught out simply because we pay closer attention to the little things.
  5. Rice

    Rice stay golden. VIP

    Even if staff did what you suggested Spectral was doing, have you not heard the mic spam? There is almost always at least 3-4 people talking at once. This is especially the case when those players area in-game and actively playing.
  6. Mr Butters

    Mr Butters For a few to be immortal, many must die. VIP

    Yes there is mic spam but you would still be able to catch out like 70% of liars based on knowing what you heard.
  7. Spectral

    Spectral VIP

    Wonderful. Thank god once in a while I get tagged.

    Rice, your job as a staff member is to silence these petty mic-spammers, and I wouldn't compare 3-4 people talking at a time mic-spam. You should be committed enough to have it where the sound goes through even when alt-tabbed, showing that you're not very focused.

    Some people can Event, or at least a lot of it. Not you, I know that. RDMing me twice because you "thought" you heard me shoot ;).
  8. Rice

    Rice stay golden. VIP

    When I said mic spam, I meant more of "multiple talking over each other". Also, I very rarely tab out. But thank you for assuming.
  9. Spectral

    Spectral VIP

    Re-read my post Rice.

    I simply show that you should just enable that wonderful feature. As my calculus book says, never assume. So thank you, for your wonderful sarcastic reply, it makes my whole day better.
  10. Rice

    Rice stay golden. VIP

    • Assume I'm not committed
    • Not focused
    • Does not have the feature turned on
    Did I cover everything?
  11. Mr Butters

    Mr Butters For a few to be immortal, many must die. VIP

    So lets assume you do have it on, than there should never be mass amounts of mic spam to the point of no one can hear because of this, and 3 people talking at once but a singular person happens to hear a KOS out of those 3 but you dont hear it? seems like a bit of an odd way of hearing.
  12. Spectral

    Spectral VIP

    Well, actually you covered nothing. I did not assume that you were not committed, not focused, or even have the feature turned on. I actually presumed these things.

    Let's take a look at these definitions shall we?:

    Assume: suppose to be the case, without proof.

    Presume: to take as proved until contrary evidence is presented

    Don't get these words mixed up, they are clearly different.
  13. Rice

    Rice stay golden. VIP

    verb: presume; 3rd person present: presumes; past tense: presumed; past participle: presumed; gerund or present participle: presuming
    suppose that something is the case on the basis of probability.
    "I presumed that the man had been escorted from the building"
    synonyms: assume, suppose, dare say, imagine, take it, expect, believe, think, surmise, guess, judge, conjecture, speculate, postulate, presuppose
    "I presumed that it had once been an attic"

    plural noun: synonyms

    a word or phrase that means exactly or nearly the same as another word or phrase in the same language, for example shut is a synonym of close.

    Thought you might needed it highlighted.
  14. Spectral

    Spectral VIP

    Why would you need to highlight it? Assuming that I couldn't find it?


    Now as you see here, there is a subtle difference between the two. In common practice they consider assume and presume synonyms, but there are differences between the two.
  15. ThatBox

    ThatBox Not this box, that one. VIP

    The question has been resolved and now there is just needless discussion.

    Topic Locked.
    • Winner Winner x 1
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