Finished Anna's "why the hell do I have 3 copies of Dino D-Day" giveaway

Discussion in 'Giveaways' started by Anna, Apr 10, 2016.

  1. Mudpug

    Mudpug VIP


    I would go back in time and tell myself to not move back to california. I was happier in pennsylvania. and my relationship with my daughter and girlfriend were both better as well.
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  2. Infinitely Finite

    Infinitely Finite The future is always blank. VIP

    Irrespective of time and money, that means that 1.) I would be able to live forever and 2.) be able to go anywhere/ harvest any planet I wanted.

    So I think that I would join in on the research for renewable efficient energy, wait however long it takes to find an extremely powerful energy source then start applying this newly found energy source to aerospace transportation. After becoming so advanced with technology to where we are able put consciousness into robotics, I would go to vast planets light years away traveling in a gargantuan spacecraft. While traveling to these vast planets, I would cultivate new life that can survive the alien atmospheres and climates. I would then traverse between these several newly-cultivated planets and watch as the new life evolves. While evolution was occurring I would travel to different planets and retrieve resources needed, learning and living in the Infinitely Finite universe of ours that will inevitably be consumed by black holes and left freezing due to the heat entropy of our matter.
    • Winner Winner x 1
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  3. Anna

    Anna before we fade VIP

    Thank you everyone for the memes and heartfelt responses. I had a good laugh and really enjoyed getting to see what some of you want and see the way some of you think. I loved every moment of it.

    I have now drawn the winners so lets go!

    First up we have @Jaysu

    Next we have @Gorgamel

    Third is @Adam

    Lastly we have @Darth West

    So with that said, Jaysu will get to pick what she wants first followed by Gorg, Adam and Darth. The prizes were 3 copies of Dino D-Day and there was one copy of Don't Starve Together, hence the chance for an option so I'll contact the winners one at a time if needed or I'll just gift you the prize right away depending on what people pick (as there won't always be need for an option).

    Thank you all so much again! There will be another giveaway in the future so keep an eye out! :D
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  4. shit was rigged and they call you an admin smh smd
    • Agree Agree x 3
    • Funny Funny x 1
  5. Mudpug

    Mudpug VIP

    omg was so close! D: