Finished Anna's "has it been a year already" giveaway.

Discussion in 'Giveaways' started by Anna, Jun 8, 2016.

  1. Fregley

    Fregley ThErE aRe StOrIeS wAiTiNg To Be MaDe VIP Silver

    My friend kipp made a big impact on my life because I am a different person now. He and I are best friends and we hang out all the time, we are good pals.
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  2. Grace

    Grace 真夜中 VIP Silver

    I probably couldnt choose just one, but I wont tag every single one, but these people have made me who I am today. Whether whe had a positive or negative experience together you changed me. Thank you all so much.

    @DarkLegion ♡♡
    @hello my friend
    @Savannah Banana | SF
    @La Vie
    @Mr. Rogers
    @Patrick i guess.
    @all the mvps in fb chat, thx for dealing with my crap
    @all staff who were staff when i was, ur all pretty dank
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  3. ZeRo

    ZeRo :sneaky: Banned VIP Silver

    Someone who left a noticeable impact in my life in this community? Hmmm there's a list I can compile about this.

    @MangoTango I know surprise right? Guy helped me go from trollish troublemaker to inspiring me to want to be a Staff member here. One of the best admins I've seen during the time.

    @Disruptionz for giving me the chance to be an Admin in this community.

    @DarkLegion @Candycaneore @Alice Lumenia for being amazing Mods of TeamGBA who stuck around all the way for all this time. Sorry @NoHackJustGood . You just weren't here long enough. Pls don't hate me.

    @Shaddoll @Shadow and all the League of Legends buddies --> Making me want to stay more and tilt in League of Legends. You all are also amazing and I'm happy to come on every day just to tilt in league whenever I can.

    All of my favorite ex Mods of TeamGBA: @Graxed @PanzerShrimp @jaygiraffe @SpitefulVenom etc (forgetting names rip)

    @all the staff members dedicating their time to this community.
    • Friendly Friendly x 9
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  4. Anonymous1

    Anonymous1 do you know how it feel to feel alone VIP Bronze

    @Pandora has helped me the most when it comes to GMOD and the forums. Pandora has always been able to answer questions I have about the forums and being staff plus has always been able to help me out when there are rule breakers and the server is staff less. So thanks Pandora and see ya in game sometime :D
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  5. NoHackJustGood

    NoHackJustGood Hai :) VIP Silver

    @LadyLag- Has always been there for me if I ever needed anyone to talk to or just having fun
    @Milo- Always makes my day with her laugh
    @Yatty- Don't see him as much but I love his sense of humor
    @Guilty- For picking me up from the streets. Haven't been doing the best lately but gave me another chance
    @Smittywerbenjegermanjenso- For being on the servers in general. Great to have you online.
    Guaranteed that I didn't mention half of the people ;-;. I feel terrible so I will add onto this thread later on to get everyone in :).

    @C.A.Anna- For letting me play Rocket League with you.
    @DarkLegion- Loving me too much.
    @birdapprentice- Making me smile, laugh, and great for advice.
    @Shaddoll- Making my day just cause your here :p.
    @DrkSephy- He makes me laugh, I don't make him laugh.
    @Tinbuster00- He's Tin. You cannot hate that.
    @SpiritWolf- Being Lady's backup or Emtech two. :D
    @Emtech2- He's nice, friendly, and he does everything better than me. Even jokes.
    @Ruby and @Navi the annoying fairy- Being the goof balls.
    @Pancake and eggs (hoping this is you)- Being on deathrun + TTT and being that guy who I can easily talk to and have a good time.

    Still probably forgetting people...
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2016
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  6. Im not sure if he has a forum account, ill try and tag him, but infact it was my brother @hiboytest who first introduced me into this server when i was 12 years old! i have almost been here for 2 years now and it feels like a very short time but its really not, even though we go through many good and bad times together, he is still my brother and i love him no matter what (except if he dissed my GF) and i would love to give him a shout out on this because mainly he will never read this and throw me into a wall

    Also to my other amazing peeps, even if they dont recognize the new name
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  7. News Network

    News Network broken VIP

    @MagmaCarrier This guy though, had so much fun playing with him! Biggest skrub in SGMOD and CS:GO but have to love him. (Don't mistake this kindness for weakness you)

    @Neatlyspeed Another one who's always up for some fun, had great laughs playing with him. Always brightens up my day when i've had a shitty day at work:love:

    @The Tick @G0dzilla^^ @Knockdown @MiGGo @Noob999 @TrustworthyTerrorist The EU2 regulars who've always made the servers so fun to play since I first started soooo many funny recordings/memories with all these guys

    @Nameless Last but certainly not least sCy, always up for some fun, thinks he can poon me and get away with it constantly;) also this little legend made me green, gotta love him.

    Okay that's enough tagging there's many more but i'd be here all day otherwise. Sorry if i've missed anyone of importance you've all been great to me:nerd:
    • Friendly Friendly x 3
  8. Etched

    Etched That One Gay Guy VIP

    @Wompzilla : Night after Night I have been unable to sleep and been able to go on in conversation with this amazing man right here he has a brain like no other and his views bring light into any day!

    @Sinz He helped me through a really tough time, and lets get a little deep here, I am classified as bipolar type 2, it comes with crippling depression that can start with no warning and no cause, and happens to make me extremely suicidal at times, for years I fought with this and was able to open up with him about it, I had quit medication for the longest time just trying to deal with it myself, but with this last time it nearly landed me again in the hospital, tho in the long run it was the right thing to do and it shouldn't have been someone else to tell me, Sinz got me back on my medication and I owe him a lot for it, he is someone who will listen when needed and just all around a really good friend.

    @Shaddoll You are just one kickass mother f*cker and I love you!
    • Friendly Friendly x 4
  9. Graze

    Graze Zzz... VIP Silver

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  10. hello my friend

    hello my friend ciao amico mio VIP Silver

    Extremely hard question as there isn't anyone here who hasn't influenced my life in a positive manner.

    Gotta be yourself though @C.A.Anna I learned so much from you and I am where I am today because of you.

    I'm gonna go ahead and tag everyone who has had a positive impact on me though. In no particular order.

    If I missed you, apologies, it was hard enough trying to think of most people xD
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  11. Fox

    Fox VIP

    There is a very select few people who have been here for me when I needed them. Through tough times or issues big and small. These people have kept me here and I feel indebted to them.


    I love these people as if they were my family, and I hope that they make your time here as enjoyable as they made mine.
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  12. Rek

    Rek Ø

    On here its almost impossible to give count on people who've influenced me. @Brahma @Kawaii @BlueCore @C.A.Anna and the crew from vanilla y'all were so great to me thank you so much for all you've done. So many others I can't even count ugh. @Muffin for being so optimistic about me as a staff. @Azure for being a tool. @Sinz for literally making me become so racist, but I love that guy he's great.
    • Friendly Friendly x 4
  13. AnarkisT

    AnarkisT ★ No Gods, No Masters. ★ VIP Silver Emerald

    • Friendly Friendly x 2
  14. HoneySenpai<3

    HoneySenpai<3 VIP Silver

    • Friendly Friendly x 2
  15. Kawaii

    Kawaii Paper Towns

    Last edited: Jun 10, 2016
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  16. Noctorious

    Noctorious Your Best Nightmare VIP Emerald

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  17. Communion (1989) Putlockers HD Stream Eng Sub

    Communion (1989) Putlockers HD Stream Eng Sub i'm thinking i'm thinking VIP

    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  18. Candycaneore

    Candycaneore Neko Candy VIP Silver

    I want to thank all the "old members" who were here when I first joined the community. Although many are no longer here they will be in my heart.

    I want to thank all the old admins I've had and I'm sorry for not remembering all since I have bad memory :p

    I want to thank @Guilty @DarkLegion @Sir Lemoncakes @kynwall @Alice Lumenia @And everyone else who I hang out with in TS ,whether we played games together or just talked you have all made my time being here memorable. ( Didn't list more because I am lazy :) )

    Also to the wonderful community members who were kind, welcoming, understanding, and helpful in Gmod or on the forum. You all take my stress away from the darker side of what goes around. All the kindness the staff and community members bring is like a light in a dark hole without end. Even though, there are always trolls and trouble, there are also fellow staff and community members who keep on fighting against them and right the wrongs.

    I probably left out much more :p but, I hope you all are happy and continue to spread your love and kindness.:cat:
    *if you don't I'll hunt you down and ___(you decide what may happen)..... Hahahaha~~.....:)...*
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  19. Steven

    Steven VIP Silver

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  20. "Who is someone that has had the biggest impact on your life here in the community?"
    Hmm, hard to think about, I'd need to list a few.
    @Pika (tollybear (I hope that was the correct tag)) - Always was friendly to me and other players, and was also fair.
    @kynwall - Very cool and all around fun person. I remember a year or two back, you used to kill a ton of people when you were a traitor, then you hung at least 7 bodies and called it "Kynwall's emporium of body's" and proceeded to rek anyone who disturbed them.
    @MangoTango - Need I say why?
    and @The Fallen Angel because bad comedic effect. (Im sure theres some that I forgot to tag, and to those people, I say "oops")
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