A Serious Minecraft server?

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by EhhChris, Sep 26, 2016.


How would you feel about an SGM brand Minecraft server?

  1. Get my saddle, this pig needs to be ridden!

    110 vote(s)
  2. I've broken enough 3D blocks, let me just play Gmod forever.

    51 vote(s)
  1. Pandora?

    Pandora? Alcoholic in Training VIP Silver

    @Kyogre hmu for staff my sister used to be a mod on a minecraft server :ROFLMAO:

    But I'm pretty sure staff would be derived from existing TTT and DR mods (who have the time) or trusted members who are interested and eventually would expand so the entire staff team would be purely MC like what happened to the DR staff team.
  2. Graze

    Graze Zzz... VIP Silver

    We dont need to worry about staffing. There is plenty of ex-staff and current staff who would likely be willing to lend a hand at this. It should be handled pretty well and fast, so there is nothing to worry about.
    • Agree Agree x 4
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1
  3. Proper

    Proper VIP Silver

    Staff shouldn't be a part of the discussion so early. We're not even sure the server is going to exist yet, much less a staff team
    • Agree Agree x 2
    • Disagree Disagree x 2
  4. Loads O Butter

    Loads O Butter Now fat free VIP

    I love the idea even though I hated Minecraft after 1.9 (the update that killed pvp) but like many are saying we need something new but I couldn't really say what .... The good thing about Minecraft is it's versatility that allows creativity so yes a creative NEW Minecraft server is still possible but for it to stand out it would have to bring something unique to the table. But then we also run into the problems with other games ... Unlike gmod and Minecraft they are just not as versatile both games have been iconic when it comes to the creativity that can be put into them it's hard to match that with newer games for reasons such as custom classes and benefits that a lot of dedicated to server players crave.

    I would consider KF2 but it's only 6-12 player match ups and no way off keeping you hooked on those servers another words people just play on what server has the maps they want

    Then unturned has good versatility butttt I feel the community wouldn't be that interested

    And I would consider honie pop buuuuuutttttttt it's not multi-player

    And I definitely would suggest the newest unreal tournament but hardly anyone knows about it and ita still in development

    maybe just a Minecraft server that brought something new could expand the community but it just has to have something new or it's just like the thousand other servers out there.

    I would like to also add adding a good Minecraft server would bring a lot of new members to the community
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. CorallocinB

    CorallocinB Animeme lord VIP Silver Emerald

    They're apart of the community too. I think.

    Though, discussion about staff maintenance should be decided by upper administration anyway, not by us or even mods.
  6. Proper

    Proper VIP Silver

    i mean it's not like im saying "don't do this it's not relevant/important" because it absolutely is, but i don't want to see people getting ahead of themselves when we're still in the process of creating the server.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. Graze

    Graze Zzz... VIP Silver

    Yo yeah, Proper was talking about Minecraft Staff-oriented decisions, not that staff shouldn't be able to give input.
    • Like Like x 1
  8. Proper

    Proper VIP Silver

    wow, i didnt realize how i phrased that lmao. sorry

    yeah ofc staff should be in the discussion, they're a large part of the community. im talking about a staff team for the minecraft server; it's still early.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  9. Ragman

    Ragman hool-moh-goh-bow-bigga-bogga-walnum-bodgish-misjoo Banned VIP

    Okay I read a couple of pages (Up to @C.A.Anna's first post) and I think it could work under a few circumstances.

    Like anna said we need to stablize what we have now or its gonna go to shit, Im all up for a minecraft server in the future.

    However I am on the side of I would only really play it with mods enabled like FTB etc because they are so fun to do (even solo). Like me @GnarBear and @dembeans have an ATlauncher server that we play on occasionally and its extremely fun. So I'd be down for it if it can be properly implemented. Hell I'd even offer to help staff it alongside TTT because I love playing modded minecraft. But vanilla can get boring VERY quickly.
    • Like Like x 2
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Informative Informative x 1
  10. Anna

    Anna before we fade VIP

    Staff should be apart of the discussion so early. We need to cover all bases before we even consider attempting this or else it will be a flop. You cannot go into planning stages without discussing and having an idea of what everything is going to be like because that is just completely ridiculous and would end up being a problem. We are not thinking ahead of ourselves, we are just implementing good planning skills. Ignoring or not discussing something that is of huge importance early on will only be detrimental in the long run. What if it ends up being a pivotal point that decides if we go ahead with this or not? Is it not a better idea to discuss it now and ensure we know where we stand than to let it sit and when it is approached it ends up halting all of the plans after we have dedicated so much time to it?

    The topic of staff, I think at least, is a major one and should be discussed now.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  11. Proper

    Proper VIP Silver

    I didn't say ignore it. I didn't say it's not a crucial part of the discussion, I am just saying that as of right now (as far as I'm aware) it's still being discussed and decided what the server will even be like. Staff teams should, obviously, be considered, but take it one step at a time. If we trip over ourselves trying to tie down every corner at once it won't end well. I'm not sure why this is also such a controversial thing; since when did I get to decide discussion topics? Never. I'm offering my opinion(s) as requested. If you feel you want to discuss it, I, obviously, have no control over that. It was a suggestion.
    • Like Like x 1
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  12. PixeL

    PixeL Man märker andras fel och glömmer sina egna Banned VIP Silver

    Alright, I'd like to put my opinion on this out there.
    First of all, I think launching a Minecraft server would be good and bad at the same time.
    Good, as in the first few weeks, the player base would be insane, but as a lot of people have said, Minecraft gets boring after a while.
    Although, the same thing could apply to Deathrun, but still.
    That bad would be that the server would eventually die down after a while.
    Also, even if you do install an Anti-Cheat on the server, there will be hackers. Unlike GMod CAC anti-cheat, you can't detect if someone has a hacked client on at all unless you see them hack. Most hacks have become undetectable and even bypass the latest anticheat that is out.
    Second, If we do end up doing this, and it's modded, I think some people might be confused on the whole installing mods aspect of it.
    Some people don't know how to install mods, although a guide could be created, but even then it still might confuse some people.
    If it is vanilla, IMO it could still be fun. As a Java Developer, I have dove into the world of Minecraft development. You can create some unique plugins with the popular server software Bukkit.
    BUT! As I saw someone say, What would make us better than, let's say, HyPixel, or Mineplex? We'd have to create a unique server un-like all the others. With a lot of custom aspect's that most servers do not have.

    I mean, hey.. I like Minecraft and all, but I honestly get bored of it real quick. That's all just my opinion though and my incite as to this whole idea.
  13. Carl

    Carl Kachow! VIP

  14. Yeezus

    Yeezus Goderator VIP

    so I actually love Minecraft. I love vanilla in particular, and I don't think it gets boring at all. You get bored once you run out of ideas for stuff to make. That isn't a Minecraft problem. That's a "you not being creative" problem. You can do endless things with building and Red Stone as well as other things. I am also constantly watching Minecraft series like Mindcrack and HermitCraft on Youtube. Those guys have been playing Minecraft for years and years and have yet to get bored. If the vanilla server was anything like one of those, I would COMPLETELY be in for that. The only problem with that is that you need mature people that will follow the rules and not mess everything up for the others. As for mods, ehhhhh. As for factions, I'm pretty interested. I haven't played much Factions but the little time I did play it, I had fun. I would try it but wouldn't be able to promise that I would keep playing for long. Count me in for any building on any servers or help in staffing. SUPER +1
    If you have no clue what I mean when I say Mindcrack and HermitCraft, I recommend watching some of this guy's videos.

    • Like Like x 1
    • Informative Informative x 1
  15. Smash

    Smash Baka VIP Silver

    I'm going to take a couple of key points and expound upon them as to why I disagree.

    "You get bored once you run out of ideas for stuff to make. That isn't a Minecraft problem. That's a "you not being creative" problem. You can do endless things with building and Red Stone as well as other things."

    This statement in and of itself is not entirely wrong, however I think a majority of people do get bored of building and many people don't even like to learn much less delve into redstone. Is this their problem? Yes. Does that mean that it's not our concern? No. Your point is that people should be more creative, and to that I say not all of us are as creative as others. I can't build for shit, but I still enjoy playing FTB because it gives me things to do outside of building which IMO becomes the core of Vanilla minecraft.

    "I am also constantly watching Minecraft series like Mindcrack and HermitCraft on Youtube. Those guys have been playing Minecraft for years and years and have yet to get bored."

    "The only problem with that is that you need mature people that will follow the rules and not mess everything up for the others."

    These two go hand in hand, the Mindcrack and HermitCraft series are, correct me if I'm wrong, a group of people who are well acquainted, are all making a group effort to make the series entertaining and still have fun at the same time. This is completely different from a Minecraft server that would be open to the public, we can't regulate the player base, only make sure that they follow the rules as best we can. There is absolutely no way we open a Vanilla minecraft server and don't attract trolls, little kids and hackers alike.

    No offense, but from my point of view you are looking at the ideal and not the actual picture. There is a lot to consider when looking at taking on something as big as a new server, espescially in a game that the community has not delved super deep into and has even had a failed attempt in the past. I'm very biased when saying this, but I personally do not see a Vanilla minecraft server being something that most of the community can enjoy in comparison to a pack like FTB. Also, nothings stopping you from playing like it's vanilla in FTB ;).
  16. Mr. Disco

    Mr. Disco Jeff Lynne is a musical genius. VIP

    going to be honest I used to watch a lot of those videos, but after a while it got boring. The moral of the story is for most people FTB adds new things and there's so much more you can do. In Vanilla sure, you can already build, but in FTB with heavy mods, you can do WAYYYY more. By the way I love playing vanilla in all honesty, but when I compare it to FTB, it just makes me bored of it because I think of FTB... FTB... in FTB you have bees and oh my gosh I love bees. Forestry is so stupid of a mod, but it is fun for me. It's all I usually do when I play FTB. Seriously it's so fun to me.

    I love that you love minecraft! I know a lot of people enjoy the game, and personally the only vanilla mode I like is skyblock, that's where I find making inventions is useful.

    If you don't know what FTB adds though, check out these youtube videos. (Etho's video is from 2012 using 1.4.7 I believe it is the mindcrack FTB pack. Hypnotizd is my favorite because he adds more energy to the videos. And generally knows what he's doing. (from 2015, FTB infinity, the pack many people want for this MC proposal)

    • Like Like x 2
  17. Oshy

    Oshy Crimson Avenger Silver Emerald

    With many modpacks, there is always the Too Many Items or Not enough Items mod which is basically a portable console to change time, spawn items and such (obviously that's going to need to be restricted to Owner rank or high level Staff Members). However they usually come with a In-game Recipe mode where-by clicking on a searched item can tell you how to obtain it if its by machine or crafting and what is the method to creating it. (Of course ores and drops are not shown where they are dropped but that's why you explore the unknown for those items, or just search it up on the Internet.)

    Ranks and Donation Ranks. Of course the EULA does restrict perks that Gmod otherwise would not restrict, there are ways to work around those so that buying a donor rank does become worth while.
    Hackers, hackers, hackers.....Probably the bane existence of why people can get frustrated on many popular servers. Steam saves that by having Gmod under its protection to prevent hacking, however ill be honest, Hackers are going to be something you will always encounter and there is really no REAL way to protect yourself completely from them which is the downside, however there would be plenty of time to prepare for such occasions on dealing with them as the first couple weeks will be mostly SGM players trying the server out, plus depending on what route you take be it FTB or Vanilla, one road can potentially lead to more hackers over the other with that being the version of Minecraft the server is hosted on.

    But hey, I can't say much as for being just a regular player and not major role, but if there isn't too much harm made from making a Minecraft server, even if it ever fails to succeed, we will have learned on the actions and would be reflected on in the future if another huge suggestion like this happens again.
  18. RebleGAM3z

    RebleGAM3z Banned

    I would honestly like to see a minecraft server. Mainly cause I see factions is a possibilty of being apart of the server I give this a +1. Also just wondering if the server does decide to make the server what version of minecraft would it be?
  19. Mr. Disco

    Mr. Disco Jeff Lynne is a musical genius. VIP

    If we go the FTB route.

    FTB has a new update.. Curse client is being pushed out there, but the legacy one is the best for me imo. [​IMG] (https://www.feed-the-beast.com/)

    You can easily use the FTB client, it's super easy.


    Adding/Removing mods can easily be done too. If we need to remove an OP mod, remove it here, or add a mod that you like, add it here. You can add local mods without it effecting the server. Local mods include a map gui of the world(helps you get around, think of the GTA map.) or you can even add optifine, and optifine works great with FTB too. (you can also add hack mods, but it's just as easy to add hacks to the new vanilla client (ever since 1.6 it was way easier. ) I know because I hacked a lot on this server that allows hacks, and I was always switching packs.


    And for those of you who lag when using FTB, (even with a big PC, let me tell you something, my specs are AMD A6 APU @ 2.2ghz, utter shit. 8 GB ram though, and that's where I get my FPS. Minecraft uses more RAM than graphics, that's why you go add more ram EASILY through the ram slider in the options setting.

    The FTB client is not hard to use, it is not confusing in any way, I do not see why some people have said that. It is super super easy to understand once everything is explained. Steam is the same way. In vanilla MC you need to make some kind of .bat file and make some operation to -java.exe 3500 RAM or something, I forgot because I never really did it much.

    There's also a wiki for every single mod pack. If we were to have FTB, there's also vets of the game who know a lot of the recipes.

    If we decide on ever getting vanilla before FTB, just please try to have skyblock. I don't like factions, I personally think war is stupid in minecraft. I like building and having fun. Just chillin.

    It is worth to note, in FTB we would need to disable quarries in non claimed land, or else we'd have holes all over the place. Same with turtles. There's other things too that shouldn't be allowed, but that's one thought from me. I don't want a fuck load of holes everywhere
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2016
    • Winner Winner x 1
  20. Honesty Minecraft is great, I prefer normal Survival/Factions, and Creative. Mods like pixlemon are also a blast but I've never seen them in a server before so I would love to see it! Also I've never ran a server so I wouldn't know all the in's and out's of how it all works, BUT if you can get a working pixlemon sever going I would love to play it with everyone on the sever! (All im asking for is a pixlemon server).