Finished 20$ Steam Game Giveaway - Round 3

Discussion in 'Giveaways' started by Graze, May 23, 2016.

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  1. Zer0z

    Zer0z Hotline Blinger VIP

    Women are interesting because they are forever changing.
  2. I think the behavior of people is interesting, how each one has a different style, different liking yet i hate how it can all seem the same >:c

    Thanks for doing the give away <3
  3. Patrick

    Patrick Ex-Deathrun Administrator VIP Silver

    There are sea otters in the Pine Barrens of NJ.
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  4. Pacifist

    Pacifist Cynically Insane VIP Bronze

    i am entering for @Zyp

    (feeding the poor)
    • Winner Winner x 1
  5. My dog actually ate a can of pop before.
  6. Hingle

    Hingle Slow Motion VIP Emerald

    • Like Like x 2
  7. Hamaskhan

    Hamaskhan VIP

  8. Change-up

    Change-up "Change is coming" VIP

    Graze is interesting.
  9. BioHazard

    BioHazard VIP

    Space is very interesting
    • Agree Agree x 2
  10. Bogdanoff

    Bogdanoff VIP

    Memes. The DNA of the soul

    thnx for the giveaway< 3
    • Optimistic Optimistic x 1
  11. Jaysu

    Jaysu BAMF VIP

    I am always hungry.
  12. Sith Master

    Sith Master An individual may die, but the Sith are eternal Banned Gold VIP Emerald

    why not my bulbous one...
  13. Captain Obvious

    Captain Obvious Regular Member

    well im in ...

    We live in a world where lemonade is made from artificial flavors and furniture polish from real lemons.

    that's pretty interesting ....
  14. Graze

    Graze Zzz... VIP Silver

    What lemonade are you drinking?
  15. Helo thank u 4 dis my frnd i apric8 vry big
    (I'm bored af.)
  16. Captain Obvious

    Captain Obvious Regular Member

    well i think i shouldnt drink 100% natural lemonade made from lemons ... because lemons make my "willy" burn while peeing .... i dont know why .. but that is how it is ...
    Last edited: May 25, 2016
    • Winner Winner x 1
  17. I am the danger.
  18. KillerOOD

    KillerOOD VIP

    60 seconds
    Tnx for the giveaway
  19. Goose

    Goose Duck, Duck, Goose Motherfucker VIP

    I WAS gonna post something really interesting of my own, but then I saw this and knew there was no way I could top it.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  20. ArcticFox29

    ArcticFox29 Creator of lag. Silver

    Something interesting: mine is the day before :) Turning 20 on the 29th! Happy early birthday @Mudpug !

    Thanks for the giveaway by the way!
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