Comments on Profile Post by Watch Yo Profanity

  1. DarkShiny
    no fence
    Jul 3, 2018
  2. Watch Yo Profanity
    Jul 4, 2018
    ayygurl_, Aquast and DarkShiny like this.
  3. DarkShiny
    pls no, I said this no offense, just big prank
    Jul 4, 2018
  4. Watch Yo Profanity
    Watch Yo Profanity
    still.. not having follow?? ofcourse,, You HAvE MAKiong me DOIng Unfollow.. In THree of the tWo.. to the ones
    Jul 6, 2018
    ayygurl_, Aquast and DarkShiny like this.
  5. DarkShiny
    sorry man but my follow button broke..... if you post something on a thread it will get fixed
    Jul 6, 2018