Comments on Profile Post by Aquast

  1. Watch Yo Profanity
    Watch Yo Profanity
    what.. the actual hel.. ARE YOU DUMB!!???.. shiptosting.. giving me money> banking ;count's, you're saw?? ofcourse.. you SEEE???... u kn.w. FOR mC HACKS... DONT TELL OPAL!"!!
    Jun 23, 2018
    ayygurl_, DarkShiny and Aquast like this.
  2. Aquast
    @opelum heyp here right away..!' we have a tRoublemaker.m here,... ofcourse
    Jun 23, 2018
  3. Watch Yo Profanity
    Watch Yo Profanity
    tis is yur.. final warnink.. drop. the wepön rait now
    Jun 23, 2018
  4. DarkShiny
    You guys need to calm down. Shitposting is and will always be allowed as long as it doesn't break the limit. As for now I see no reason on why Profanity should stop shitposting, as it isn't borderline. Report invalid, thread locked. Thanks for reporting Aquast but fuck off
    Jun 23, 2018
    ayygurl_ and Aquast like this.
  5. DarkShiny
    btw no ofFens
    Jun 23, 2018
    ayygurl_ and Aquast like this.