Comments on Profile Post by Penius

  1. Watch Yo Profanity
    Watch Yo Profanity
    whjat,, fuckking..??? nothing wrong, having done,รถ.. or have i.,., you're not caugfh me, yet??.. wrongfully. ban,,.. you demoting yourselves. before i take action
    Apr 1, 2018
    ayygurl_, Aquast and Penius like this.
  2. Penius
    Fuck the shut,.,.,-,', my unle is owner oof mercosoft and mencraft, she gon ( ( ( Hck ) ) ) yu
    Apr 1, 2018
    ayygurl_ and Watch Yo Profanity like this.
  3. Watch Yo Profanity
    Watch Yo Profanity
    what. in fucvking. hell,,, bring back.. son of shepre.d.rrdd
    Apr 2, 2018
    ayygurl_, Aquast and Penius like this.
  4. n0blerone
    u should ban, from roblocks him... .yess, hes an online datterr!!!
    Apr 3, 2018
    ayygurl_ and Aquast like this.