Comments on Profile Post by Juice Juice™

  1. neutral
    This is exactly why I told you on steam that I did not want to have this conversation with you. You have blown something tiny out of huge proportion, taken my words, others words, and my scenario your forced me to give out of context, and decided to destroy a friendship out of pettiness.
    Jul 9, 2017
  2. neutral
    For the record; I 100% agree with what DieKasta and mellow has said and told you multiple times. It lines with exactly what I told you, and what I have followed for not only my staff tenure- but as long as I have understood the rules for SGM.

    I'm done. You should be too.
    Jul 9, 2017
  3. Juice Juice™
    Juice Juice™
    It is not in line with what you told me. It is, in fact, a direct contradiction. I gave you the exact context, I gave you the exact question, and I have pose this question multiple times with multiple contradictions every time.
    Jul 9, 2017
  4. neutral
    I'm done. You should be too.
    Jul 9, 2017
  5. Juice Juice™
    Juice Juice™
    You are part of the conversation. I already made the request to be banned. You either are lying now or you lied to me in our steam chat, because you are directly contradicting yourself now that it's public.
    Jul 9, 2017
  6. neutral
    I probably contradict with whatever you twisted my words in to. Which is why I told you I didn't want to have the conversation, because it would end up that way. But I deff told you that you're not allowed to kill someone on suspicion.

    I'm done. You should be too.
    Jul 9, 2017
  7. Juice Juice™
    Juice Juice™
    I never twisted your words into anything. You can keep bullshitting and say I do that, but I haven't, to anyone, ever.
    Jul 9, 2017
  8. Juice Juice™
    Juice Juice™
    What you told me is that the only situation in which you can shoot someone who shot you from behind is in an empty room without props or anyone else, with all doors closed and all windows blocked.
    Jul 9, 2017
  9. Juice Juice™
    Juice Juice™
    Jul 9, 2017