Comments on Profile Post by Amr

  1. neutral
    I'm a biologist, but what's the topic?
    Jun 4, 2017
    Scotty likes this.
  2. Amr
    Endo and exothermic reactions
    Jun 4, 2017
    Captain K9(Melon) likes this.
  3. Captain K9(Melon)
    Captain K9(Melon)
    That's pretty straightforward if you need help i studied that 2 years ago in my A levels and still remember most of it
    Jun 5, 2017
  4. Kyül
    Same. Pretty straightforward if you know the basics and have common sense. But I assume you already failed it :P
    Jun 6, 2017
  5. Amr
    No ;(
    Jun 6, 2017
    Captain K9(Melon) and Kyül like this.
  6. Captain K9(Melon)
    Captain K9(Melon)
    Kyle you ass, amr if you need help add me on discord or steam I could certainly explain it to you.
    Jun 6, 2017
    Kyül likes this.
  7. Kyül
    jk jk xd ily Amr <3 hope you ace it
    Jun 7, 2017