Comments on Profile Post by Iuna

  1. Agent A
    Agent A
    *J'aime les chats. Grammar is important.
    Apr 5, 2017
  2. Iuna
    Agent, S'il vous plaît. Je ne parle pas très bien français.
    Apr 5, 2017
    Scotty, Juice Juice™ and Agent A like this.
  3. Agent A
    Agent A
    Agent, s'il vous plaît. Je ne parle pas très bien français. Saying bon is basically saying good so what you are saying is I do not speak good french.
    Apr 5, 2017
  4. Iuna
    told you.
    Apr 5, 2017
    Scotty, Juice Juice™ and Agent A like this.
  5. Agent A
    Agent A
    Apr 5, 2017
  6. Juice Juice™
    Juice Juice™
    Guys, this is an English-Speaking server. I'm going to have to ask you to stop.
    Apr 8, 2017
    Iuna likes this.