Comments on Profile Post by Anime

  1. Sinz
    yeah thanks lemon ur a great staff member (not)
    Nov 29, 2016
    GunAndBomb, Patrick, Mason and 3 others like this.
  2. Anime
    He banned me for 5 days for leaving with 1 slay.

    I left to report him for abusive staff xD

    Waiting on my apply now too :c
    Nov 29, 2016
  3. Steve Mason
    Steve Mason
    smh lemon...
    Nov 29, 2016
  4. nikki
    looks like your abusing days are over, count your daisies Lemon, you're done
    Nov 29, 2016
    GunAndBomb, Patrick, Rhienor and 4 others like this.
  5. Anime
    I can't tell if you guy's are getting a good laugh at this or being serious. I doubt he will even get a warning.

    It was a false slay and handle poorly.

    I just wanna play and not get slain false....
    Nov 29, 2016
  6. Santa Claus
    Santa Claus
    god dammit lemon what did i tell you about slaying people?!
    Nov 30, 2016
    GunAndBomb likes this.
  7. GunAndBomb
    You applied? oh god
    Nov 30, 2016
    pizzaman likes this.