Comments on Profile Post by Pacifist

  1. GunAndBomb
    Global warming was discovered by scientists using the scientific method! There are thousands of peer-reviewed articles explaining it! They have data and pretty graphs and charts showing the data in laymen's terms! This must be a hoax! I know all! I trump science! I am DONALD J. TRUMP!
    Nov 11, 2016
  2. GunAndBomb
    BOW DOWN TO THE EMPEROR! I decide what is true! WHO THE FUCK LISTENS TO EVIDENCE ANYWAYS WHEN YOU CAN HAVE MONEY! I will die before my policies ruin the planet so who the fuck gives a shit? Nobody likes polar bears anyway, they smell bad.
    Nov 11, 2016
    Elizabeth, Acnologia, Armour and 4 others like this.
  3. Pacifist
    Holy shit you just convinced me that global warming is a hoax, and im educated... I can only imagine what uneducated people feel when he speaks.
    Nov 11, 2016
    lil f and GunAndBomb like this.
  4. Togo ✿
    Togo ✿
    dam straight nigga
    global warming is a myth
    Nov 13, 2016
    GunAndBomb and Pacifist like this.