Comments on Profile Post by Mr. Rogers

  1. Pandora?
    remember when we struggled to get my trial mod to work
    Aug 21, 2016
    Mr. Rogers likes this.
  2. Pandora?
    remember when it took a good halfhour for me to get admin. its a pattern
    Aug 21, 2016
    Sith Master, Patrick and Mr. Rogers like this.
  3. Pandora?
    also <3
    Aug 21, 2016
    Sith Master and Mr. Rogers like this.
  4. NoHackJustGood
    I remember when I was a trial and when I met you. You were one of the first people I saw. I was a shy little guy who couldn't even speak to anyone and I wasn't sure what I was doing. You gave me the confidence I needed to be where I am today. I am extremely happy you got admin and I know your going to do well. Thanks again <3
    Aug 21, 2016
    Pandora? likes this.