Comments on Profile Post by Senpai Vesper

  1. Princess Fluffy
    Princess Fluffy
    KYNWALL is my scrub leave him out of this I will shrekt you m8
    Oct 26, 2014
  2. Senpai Vesper
    Senpai Vesper
    You are going to die.
    Oct 26, 2014
  3. Princess Fluffy
    Oct 26, 2014
  4. kynwall
    What in the name of Khorne is going on here....
    Oct 26, 2014
  5. Princess Fluffy
    Princess Fluffy
    You are my scrub and this"scrub" is threatening me to killing me... Plserino bannerino (haha jk lol) I was yours firsy
    Oct 26, 2014