Comments on Profile Post by hobo joe

  1. FrostedBlade
    nope, I have no idea xD. Add me on steam if ya want. :)
    Oct 25, 2014
  2. hobo joe
    hobo joe
    You were just on west 1 right?
    Oct 25, 2014
  3. FrostedBlade
    Oct 25, 2014
  4. hobo joe
    hobo joe
    Ok and I was person u kicked for disrespect and your proof was text but that isn't actual evidence because I could have framed anyone saying any thing. Now I ammit I did say that but you need screenshot or vidio evidence. I'm not saying this to be an asshole I just think you a good admin trying his best and I don't want you to get reported for being a bad mod because your not. Thank you!!!
    Oct 25, 2014
  5. FrostedBlade
    Oh, no problem dude! I just have to be as fair as possible according to the rules. And I did take screen shots ;). But thanks for your concerns.
    Oct 26, 2014