Comments on Profile Post by hello my friend

  1. Ragman
    wtf u troll?
    May 21, 2016
  2. Grace
    May 21, 2016
    hello my friend likes this.
  3. hello my friend
    hello my friend
    ragman, if someone told you that you were a noob, and ur birthday from on september, which is also considered late in the year, how many months does it take to reach the 50th birthday that gives u experience...

    u have 5 minutes to respond
    May 21, 2016
    Ragman likes this.
  4. Ragman
    Youre gonna die a painful death just tell me
    May 21, 2016
  5. hello my friend
    hello my friend
    there's one response to every question, @Graxed has most responses

    if a potato was rolling down a hill, how big would the hill have to be for it to reach terminal velocity??
    May 21, 2016
  6. Grace
    league ragman? :)
    May 21, 2016