Comments on Profile Post by Darth Gorgamel

  1. DarkLegion
    Apr 28, 2016
    Darth Gorgamel likes this.
  2. Darth Gorgamel
    Darth Gorgamel
    I don't know. Halp.
    Apr 28, 2016
    DarkLegion likes this.
  3. ZeRo
    Uh hello? Did I miss something?
    Apr 28, 2016
    DarkLegion and Darth Gorgamel like this.
  4. NinjaDragon48
    Dealing with a lot of Stress, at the moment, with finals coming up and all. Being a mod on top of all of it was a bit too much so I asked my admin to demote. I plan on reapplying once the summer hits! (Which Is just a few weeks out!)
    Apr 29, 2016
    ZeRo likes this.
  5. Darth Gorgamel
    Darth Gorgamel
    I know how it feel, my senior finals coming up and graduation too, but I won't let it hinder me. Good Luck with your finals you will do great just don't be too stressed about it.
    Apr 29, 2016
  6. Wompzilla
    Miss you already man =(
    Apr 30, 2016
    NinjaDragon48 likes this.