Separate names with a comma.
I disagreed because you said the only thing useable is the music// And the lasers are an upgrade for the traitor weapon (tripwire) charge
Why did you mark my post dumb? this is a suggestion anyway alot of these things could make the game more fun and im pretty sure skins and shit...
I fail to see how you guys dont see the potential in the other things... except fo the music
Laser in the charge that explode the T weapon
@Highwon @Carned @Lightning @Opii @Event Horizon @MangoTango @ComPeter @Guilty-Crown
Charges (upgrades) 1. Invisible Laser 2. Green lazor (tactical) Skin Suggestion Do you know that purple and black lua you get if you don't have...
I just like how little people it took to take it away over complaints like this is your server you don't have to take it down and im guessing the...
Lol 1/20 already gg rule gg
I was late sir i am not gonna proceed to cry
i clearly deserve it one person thought it was funny
Yea but have you seen the other thread of how only 3 people would likely get it anyways and its terribe medium range plus if you fuck up you are...
Why remove the double barrel shotgun when we can make it a traitor weapon it would change up the style of silent T to Badass T fucking shit up ya...