Denied -ZeS-B.O.W.Tyrant's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by -ZeS-B.O.W.Tyrant, Apr 24, 2014.

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  1. Your In Game Nickname:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    I don't even know why I was banned
    Evidence of Innocence:
    I log out with no complaints yesterday and when I log in today to my favorite TTT server it says I am banned for 10 days? No explanation whatsoever and I do not RDM.... Any explanation for this would be greatly appreciated....​
  2. megaboy

    megaboy I got this game for Fathers day VIP

    You were banned by @Aboose! for RDM & Leave 2. He was will reply as soon as he can.
  3. RDMed 2 people and left? The last thing I can remember doing last night, late at night, was running around with a detective totally not breaking any rules at all, I can't even remember shooting anyone that didn't try to blow us away first....
  4. Aboose!

    Aboose! Floral shirts, Dads and sleeveless sweaters are IN VIP

    Hey @-ZeS-B.O.W.Tyrant I banned you for your second offence of RDM and leave. I remember it being on Office, and you simply RDMed and left. This was on the 24th when myself and @Carned were on East 2.

    Feel free to play on any of the other 4 servers we have here at STTT.

  5. If I ever rdmed at all it was very much so unintentional, il have to keep my eyes peeled for that later I guess...

    And I have never, ever simply shot someone and left, if I do end up killing a innocent it is during a gun fight and done out of the confusion of the situation. That may have happened and I had to log off for whatever reason at some point.
  6. Aboose!

    Aboose! Floral shirts, Dads and sleeveless sweaters are IN VIP

    Yes very often that happens, where a player will make a rash decision that is deemed RDM and they have to log off quickly not knowing the repercussions. Unfortunately, this still constitutes as RDM, I was even guilty of it myself before I was Mod.

    Although it is unfortunate, the rules are still the rules! You can play on East 1 for the remainder of your ban, its community is almost identical to that of East 2's
  7. Would be nice to get a huge assed notification banner sort of deal somewhere on the hud that tells you 1. when a claim is pending(Which is buggy anyway, I had one pop up 8x over and over) and 2. when one has been settled, a little itty bitty message that flashes on teh screen for what is usually 2 seconds just ain't gonna cut it lmao

    And yeah TTT gets cray cray!
  8. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    The message that pops up over and over is usually popping up over and over because you have more than one report against you and it is blank. Either that or you failed to respond to it and the staff member is forcing a response from you and it will keep coming up until you respond. Located on the left side of the dialog box, you will see the person that report you; there will be multiple buttons if you have multiple reports against you.

    Also, you may have also RDM'd someone who wouldn't have known who to report, because you didn't actually kill them.
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