Denied zdeamonjosh's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by zdeamonjosh, Oct 16, 2015.

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  1. zdeamonjosh

    zdeamonjosh New Member

    Your In Game Nickname:
    Spooky Dock
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    After being slain by Pandora and her abusing her powers on my friend, I change my name to my friend's name (added an extra o). She kicks without reason or warning for it. I change my name and things continue, in which a round where i use a discombobulator trying to kill two innocents (as a T). Another T who saw me ran at me and got hit by it sending him into lava (he died). I later explained this and said i didn't mean to kill any other T, so she slays me for a total of 3 rounds for it. I then change my name to Pandaren (which is from WoW...) and she bans me for impersonation. Not to mention she banned 2 of my other friends and one of our extra accounts for simply rejoining the server. This is total abuse of power and definitely makes me never want to play this server again if things don't get solved. You can ask some of the other randoms on the server, they were shouting things like "#banPandaren" 'because it was totally unjustified.
    Evidence of Innocence:
    I didn't take any pictures because I didn't think I would get banned over something so small. Pandora and Rozboon weren't even playing, just spectating and waiting for myself or others to screw up so we can instantly be slain/muted/banned.​
  2. Rice

    Rice stay golden. VIP

    @Pandora will respond with her evidence and reasoning as to why the ban was placed.

    Please be patient.
  3. Pandora?

    Pandora? Alcoholic in Training VIP Silver

    Hey there! Please be patient while I collect my evidence.
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2015
  4. Pandora?

    Pandora? Alcoholic in Training VIP Silver

    Hey there, sorry for the delay, I was collecting my evidence and was caught up with something. I'm going to go in order as you mentioned in your ban appeal

    First Interaction
    My first interaction with you was when I slayed your friend for killing someone off the suspicion that the AK47 was a traitor weapon. I, and other players at the time had told you and your friend that the AK 47 was not a T weapon, but a loadout weapon for Vip's and up. This is the moment where you changed your name (the (1) behind the name meant someone else on the server had the same name) and I asked you almost right after to change it as it was too similar to your friend's name. I noticed you weren't changing it, and I asked you again to change your name. The round started shortly after, and you still didn't change it, so I followed protocol and kicked you. I warned you over voice chat that this was a bannable offense of 8 hours. To help give more context, this was the protocol I followed.

    Second Interaction
    Next map, I pm'ed you about how you damaged one player and killed another. Unfortunately, accidental RDM is still RDM and I still have to slay for that, so I slayed you twice for the two occasions. I'd also like to add that I've warned you about staff impersonation. I will admit, you weren't impersonating me at all in the slightest, but you still picked a name that could easily confuse players. The ban was placed because you continued to pick trollish names. I didn't ban you for impersonation, that was not the case at all, but because you kept picking names of similar nature of your original name change.

    Third Interaction - ban evasion / names / friends
    "she banned 2 of my other friends and one of our extra accounts"
    I had asked @Rozboon to come on to the server so I can get discretion and help with the trollish nature of you two. You were originally banned for "Refusal to Change Name" for 8 hours, but with the discretion, I banned you and your friend (Spooky Duck) for Group Trolling that is 2 weeks. You two hadn't trolled other players, but were changing your names seen here, here, here, here, and here. For extra, I asked for a group trolling ban especially when I noticed this. (For clarification: the reason I didn't ban despite these excessive name changes was because I was waiting for Rozboon to get on so I could get discretion)
    I also noticed that a player joined in with a name that was highly suspicious, so I asked Rozboon to check it out and it turns out it shared IP's with your original account while you were still banned (it was originally "Refusal to Change Name") and this is ban evasion. This is a very serious offense on our servers, and it was not banned simply for joining the server.

    Because of the explanations given above I will be denying this appeal. If you have any questions or concerns about the ban, feel free to start a conversation with me on the forums.

    Appeal: Denied
    Thread: Locked
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2015
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