Denied zalian1348's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by zalian1348, Nov 2, 2015.

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  1. zalian1348

    zalian1348 New Member

    Your In Game Nickname:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    i dont remember what i did i come back to the game after a like 2 days and it says i have a 50day ban i tried playing on other ttt servers but they all suck could i atleast know why im banned
    Evidence of Innocence:

  2. Kyogre

    Kyogre Ayuda VIP Silver

    You were banned by @Weeeeeeeee for RDM and Leave Third Offense, and it was then globalized by @BmTron due to your history. Weee will provide any evidence he has for this seeing as he is an ex-staff member and a verdict will be made then. Thanks for being patient!
  3. Wex

    Wex The enemy of art is the absence of limitations VIP Bronze

    Don't have the screenshot of you leaving, but I do have these.
    However, old logs could easily tell that you weren't present the following rounds.

    You went on a killing spree and people reported you and your response was "fuck you". You also made a report against the person who killed you and in your report you said "fuck you".
    Before I could ban you for RDM x4 you left the server.

    Two of these reports looked like a misunderstanding of the rules while the last 2 seemed like blatant RDM.
    • Blocking is not a traitorous act unless your life is in danger.
    • Throwing away identified bodies is not a traitorous act.

    I have no control over this appeal, but I'd advised whoever is dealing with it to deny it due to toxic behaviour in the last 2 reports against him and the report he made.
    The ban will expire on 11/07/15 05:15AM which is not long from now.


    I'll leave it to @Disruptionz (my supervising admin at the time) or @BmTron (who globalised) to handle this appeal.
    Last edited: Nov 2, 2015
  4. zalian1348

    zalian1348 New Member

    oh i remember now i was drunk and violent my bad any way is there a way i can get unbanned sooner
  5. zalian1348

    zalian1348 New Member

    im also banned from both west servers soooo
  6. zalian1348

    zalian1348 New Member

    what i do on west 2
  7. Kyogre

    Kyogre Ayuda VIP Silver

    A Global ban on our servers means that you're not able to access any of them, so that would be the reason why you're not able to get on either West 1 or West 2. Hopefully this answers your concern until Disruptionz responds to this appeal. Thanks for being patient!
  8. zalian1348

    zalian1348 New Member

    Just to be sure there isent a rule against playing under the influence
  9. Chastity4lyfe

    Chastity4lyfe *Eye roll* VIP Silver

    Not for players there isn't, but you are held 100% responsible for your actions when on the servers, sober or not.
  10. zalian1348

    zalian1348 New Member

    Damn savage af
  11. zalian1348

    zalian1348 New Member

    So u guys done or what cause it still say pending
  12. Rek

    Rek Ø

    We are waiting on @BmTron to finish this up.
    Also take these appeals more seriously, you're digging yourself a deeper whole than necessary.
  13. zalian1348

    zalian1348 New Member

  14. zalian1348

    zalian1348 New Member

  15. Based on the evidence and your testimonial, your ban appeal has been denied.
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