Your Demi Lord n Savior "Digivolved Prophet Joseph Smith" says hello!!!

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Prophet Joseph Smith, Feb 16, 2015.

  1. Hello everyone, Thanks to @Christopher Walken for the donation in my name giving me the courage to finally make a introduction thread

    Ive been around since a little before October. Not sure when exactly due to me making an account after my time on here but never made an intro. Im typically on anywhere between 10 a.m.-7a.m. , im on a lot with short breaks and also depends on work days!!! My time on Serious TTT has been amazing!!! Since ive started playing on here my life has changed in many ways and ive met many amazing people on here! I remember when I first joined I only had the knowledge of some youtubers and mostly played prop hunt, after finding this server though it was hard to stop playing :) Since ive started playing on here ive gone from an Assistant Manager at subway working for a doodoo head boss to now currently working at Lowes!!! Ive even gotten Engaged!! Will be married very soon though! was suppose to be April but taking that month to go to North Carolina to meet the lady's family. Many of you know me from many different names. This one has been the one that has sticked the most though. Digivolved comes from the remake of Digimon's first season coming soon so i added this to prepare from the awesomeness to come! (@TheCoCoFTW ) Prophet Joseph Smith comes from well as some know the creator and founder of Mormonism! I was raised Mormon for 19 years until I found Bill Nyeism. I like the name though due to meeting other mormons on the server like @Happy and some others. Its fun to have conversations with people about something that still interests me.

    Now that you know a little about my name and some minor life details, let me give those who care to read a little more information they might enjoy knowing and then the shoutouts shall follow!!! Im 22 years old. Ive always taken a liking to World history and religions as well as philosophy. Ive taken 4 years of Japanese (more including solo study), 2 years of Chinese, 1 year of Korean, and 2 years of Spanish. That was in high school and before so my knowledge on those things are still slim as far as reading and writing and speaking go but the interest still remains! Its even cloudier due to some medical related issues but thats okay!!! I very much love learning about other cultures and still do my best to learn day to day :) I am the BIGGEST COLLECTOR of ALL Asian cinema especially horror! My wife is also Black with skin as soft as a baby wiener. im assuming...

    SHOUT OF THE OUTS!!! (not given in any particular order of importance and if any missed remind me)
    @Christopher Walken for donating for me without me even bringing it up, just doing it on his own bc hes so kind hearted and amazing fellow.
    @TheCoCoFTW for sharing a love for digimon and being a hardworking mod who does whatever he cans to help with any situation and understanding me in many ways
    @Lord Of Chaos for sharing many laughs when I did a little somethin somethin that people would just quit bc it was so hilarious
    @Happy for being my mormon brother even tho im no longer Mormon
    @Rad Comrade even though he wont play gta 5 with me on ps4, he still coooooo
    @Event Horizon for always being very Fair and helping players and staff alike
    @Kronk for making me and my wife to be laugh hard so many times in+outside gmod along with @Christopher Walken bc both make us entertained a lot with their unique but not so unique voice abilties
    @BlackSpiderMan for sharing some laughs with me talkin about that one person who shall not be named

    Again if I missed anyone its bc its passed 4a.m. for me and i had to look around just to remember some of these great people above, so let me know so i can add it so others can know of all of your importance!!!!


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  2. Sinz

    Sinz crumble VIP Silver

    Welcome :)
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  3. thanks for the welcoming :) I always feel welcomed here!!! except from maybe 2 players but im fortunate that one stays on vanilla and the other well is gone haha :)
  4. TheCoCoFTW

    TheCoCoFTW Veteran Member

    Hi there Prophet! Welcome and the yellow tag looks good on you ;)
    Digimon brother.
    • Like Like x 1
  5. I wonder what my next digivolution would be??? Thecocoftw digivolves tooooooooooooooooooooo TheCoffeeFTW!!! ???? lol
  6. kwasaznik

    kwasaznik VIP

    Welcome ;)

    • Funny Funny x 1
  7. TheCoCoFTW

    TheCoCoFTW Veteran Member

    No TheCoCoFTW is my ultimate.
    • Winner Winner x 1
  8. Glad to be of help hope you enjoy dontator my friend.
    • Winner Winner x 1
  9. Alpha Wolfy

    Alpha Wolfy Nocturnal VIP

    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  10. Falcor

    Falcor ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ VIP Silver

    We're on the same servers a lot. Glad to hear your life is taking a turn for the better. Still wishing our lovers would play ttt with us. But welcome! :)
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  11. I've tried to get her to play ttt but she thinks she would be too bad at it. She's not wrong, she's good in prop hunt and elder scrolls tho
  12. Falcor

    Falcor ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ VIP Silver

    Awh tell her to get her dragonborn toosh on and play and try it , :D I need more femme fatal ttt girlfriends!
    • Funny Funny x 2
  13. sometimes she will use my headset while i play, haha does that count? @Lord Of Chaos knows
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  14. Falcor

    Falcor ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ VIP Silver

    We're half way there :)
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