Approved Yo am trash's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by Jiggly-Puff, Jul 15, 2020.

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  1. Your In Game Nickname:
    Yo am trash
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Vanilla 2
    Why you should be unbanned:
    I was playing TTT and I kosed a person and then I got killed, after that I pm the guy that I kosed ( Ahalan STEAM_0:0:82789995 ) to tell him that I got the wrong name and that I was sorry, but what I didnt saw was that there were only 4 people left (dt, 2 proven and 1 non proven) and then he asked me to type in normal chat but I was dead and then he started suspecting and ended up killing the other guy that was T ( STEAM_0:1:212163710).

    My intention was never to do ghosting or something like that, I feel sorry and I would like to apologize for what I did.​
    Evidence of Innocence:

  2. Jabba the Slut

    Jabba the Slut That's Kinky! Lead Admin VIP Silver

    Tagging @Sable as he banned you for Ghosting 1st. Please be patient until he responds.
  3. Sable

    Sable Keepin it chill VIP

    Also tagging @Credence as my admin to supervise.


    I banned you just a little bit ago for ghosting on Community Pool on Vanilla 2. The situation, similar to what you said, went something along the lines of this:


    There is Player A (that's you), Player B (Ahalan, as mentioned), and Player C (Amdomo, also as mentioned)

    You were killed by a traitor at some point during the first round on Community Pool. Before this, you called a sus on Ahalan in chat (despite being nowhere near him). That is all you did regarding Ahalan. Then you pm'ed him to tell him you kos'ed the wrong guy (under the thought that you had kos'ed Ahalan), and as you mentioned, to apologize.

    This is where an issue arises because you did not infact kos him (or anyone). Ahalan then replied by asking if you were dead, and asked why you would pm instead of type in living chat (innocents don't have a team chat for a reason, they're expected to communicate in the public chat about gameplay, kos'es, etc)

    You responded to clarify why you pm'ed him, and said nothing of you being alive or dead. It lead him to the logical assumption that you were infact Dead, and missing in action.

    A video showing this bit from my perspective is here

    Along with the bits and pieces of screenshots (I apologize for the blurriness on the screenshots from Ahalan of the pm's you sent him. He was unable to screenshot them so we resorted to me screenshotting them through a discord screenshare. You can make it all out, but again sorry for hurting your eyes xD)
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]


    Following this initial pm'ing, Ahalan assumed you dead. There came a point when there was 5 players alive still : Ahalan, Myself (detective), UU (proven, infront of Ahalan and Myself via Tester), You (although you were dead but MIA), and Amdomo.

    Ahalan used common sense to kill Amdomo for being the last non-proven player alive. If your body was id'd, this would be a clean kill. And his logic was solid, and he was right. But it was based off of ghosting because of the pm's you sent him.


    To sum all of that up:

    You called Ahalan sus but thought you kos'ed him - You died, pm'ed him that you meant to kos someone else (but didn't say you didn't mean to kos him, just that you didn't mean to kos whoever you kos'ed) while actually not having called any kos'es - You pm'ed him again to clarify, after he asked if you were dead, and why you pm'ed and didn't use chat to cancel a kos - He assumed you as dead and acted on this to end the round with outside information (which he did receive a ban for as well)

    Granted, we spoke about this in dms a bit, and you seemed genuine that this was a mistake and you didn't intent to ghost, thinking your body had been id'd. However, when he asked if you were dead, as if he was surprised, I'd have seen that as a red flag for you to notice you weren't id'd, and to check before replying back again using psay. In our discussions, you said "can i give him 1k points so he can buy t round?" in response to me explaining what led to your ban, and then also "yeah, i didnt thought of that in the moment". When playing ttt, not thinking about stuff isn't much of an option, not when it's stuff like this that should be a big red flag to you.

    For those reasons, I am marking your Appeal : Denied and your Ban : Not Voided -- However, I will be reducing your ban to 2 weeks (from 4 weeks) due to the genuine perception I received from talking to you that it was accidental, however still a Ghosting offense and to be taken very seriously, and will give you this opportunity to reflect on what happened and be much more cautious when providing dead information to the living players from here on out.

    Feel free to pm me on Discord to chat further about this, and thank you for making this appeal,

  4. Sable

    Sable Keepin it chill VIP

    Edit - You are rebanned on Vanilla 2 for 2 weeks

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