Answered Why was a "porn spray" banned for two weeks and the others not?

Discussion in 'Questions & Answers' started by Fausto, Sep 22, 2020.

  1. Fausto

    Fausto Member

    Between June / July I was banned for two weeks to have one !Spray with pornographic content and this week I was playing on the Vanilla TTT server and other users also had that type of spray, but it was only removed and they did not receive any kind of warn.

    Why did this happen?
  2. Paradox

    Paradox The One Eyed Ghoul Banned Elite

    Bans are based on severity as deemed by mods if one is 100% obvious porn thats one thing especially if the user in question knows said rule but if a newbie joins and has a semi pornographic spray they may remove it and warn it is 100% to the mods discretion, that is if they are 100% sure it falls under our ruleset for pornographic sprays
  3. Ashes Relandi

    Ashes Relandi ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Weeb Admin of TTT Administrator VIP Silver

    Pretty much said above.

    We give our mods a lot of discretion when it comes to sprays. Anything blatantly obvious that is porn, is usually an instant ban. Anything in a grey area/might be suggestive can be checked and warned to change. But basically how severe the content is mostly what we check.

    If you're gonna use a spray and think or have thoughts you may get banned/warned for it, just ask an admin+ to review it.
  4. Fausto

    Fausto Member

    Are you saying that the rules are more severe for new users?
  5. roy

    roy is MOST DEFINITELY a ship VIP Silver

    The opposite, actually - he's saying that users who know the rule about sprays and intentionally violate the rule are more likely to be immediately punished, whereas people who are new to the server with a borderline spray will likely get the benefit of the doubt and get a warning first. It's ultimately situational.