If you are inquiring about ranks, There are many individuals who regularly play on SeriousGMod servers and to them, getting a rank from the store is a good idea. Many players purchase ranks because they want to support the servers they enjoy. Many players also want the perks associated with certain donator ranks. If you would like to get a rank for yourself please follow the link below , which will show you all the ranks available and the perks associated with them. https://www.seriousgmod.com/store/
When players are AFK for a long period of time on a populated server, they are moved to the least populated server in order to allow for the maximum amount of players possible to play on the populated server. Why? People like to farm points, so they keep themselves logged on the server; which is 100% okay. From your listed tags, to my understanding this is what you were referring to, and I hope my response answers your question.