Answered why does nobody pay attention to my posts?

Discussion in 'Questions & Answers' started by tanner, Aug 2, 2013.

  1. tanner

    tanner Member

    i put out an application and 2 ban appeals, but nobody posts anything? they just look. its really pissing me off, bc its only me that is being overlooked. :evil:
  2. Highwon

    Highwon Owner VIP Silver

    I don't handle the applications but I would guess they aren't accepting any applications right now since we have 14~ mods.
  3. Derpy

    Derpy Active Member

    Me to, Join ze love broda <3
  4. tanner

    tanner Member

    ok thanks
  5. Ninjaa

    Ninjaa Regular Member

    Yeah, once east fills up, we will probably be accepting more mods as the east server fills up.