I was wondering when you'll pull that little surprise, @<[Matt]>2468rv But really, that's a well deserved entrance for all the work you've put into this map. Thank you for sharing it! It sure did pay off.
First time I see a map utilize the lua_run entity if ACTIVATOR:IsPlayer() and ACTIVATORteamID() == 'STEAM_0:1:30351687' then for _, x in pairs(ents.FindByClass('logic_relay')) do if x:GetName() == 'steamid_check_1_relay' then x:Fire('Trigger') end end end Impressive (also nice try at hiding it) @<[Matt]>2468rv (https://gmod.facepunch.com/f/gmoddev/lmkq/Using-the-lua-run-entity-in-my-map/1/)