Answered What is the algorithm for haste mode?

Discussion in 'Questions & Answers' started by Penny, Aug 9, 2014.

  1. Penny

    Penny VIP

    I feel like it goes on way longer than I would expect for a mode that's supposed to encourage faster gameplay. Is there a simple equation they use like +X seconds per innocent killed?
  2. Patrick

    Patrick Ex-Deathrun Administrator VIP Silver

    Highwon + Lead Admins / players(ingame) + Moderators = Haste mode time
    • Funny Funny x 1
  3. Penny

    Penny VIP

  4. urisk2

    urisk2 ~Rawr~ I'm a polar bear VIP

    +30 i think. Not 100% sure though :p
  5. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    I just read a thread about this somewhere. I think it was in the live streaming thread.
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  6. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    This is what a staff member referred to in a thread regarding live streaming of the game.
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  7. Enigmatica

    Enigmatica The Song Lives On Banned

    One or two of our servers start out with 4 minutes of haste mode before going into Overtime mode. 15 seconds of Overtime are granted per kill.

    We use to have 5 minute start with 30 seconds per kill, but we're experimenting with shorter round lengths to see the effect (and possibly remove the need for staff to hurry up rounds artificially)
  8. Red

    Red Harbinger of Arceus VIP

    Hmm... wait, if someone has a timer with them, wouldn't it be possible to know how many people are alive/dead? I mean, if for every kill = +15 secs then if the round has gone 5 minutes in overtime then there would be 20 dead innos. Right?
  9. Thorn

    Thorn A Thorn in your side. VIP

    Only the traitors se e the remaining time once haste mode begins.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  10. Red

    Red Harbinger of Arceus VIP

    Yeah, I know, but what if I use an external clock (stopwatch maybe or sumth) to tell how much time it has been since overtime? I mean, as soon as overtime hits, I press the start button, and if a round lasts this much longer, that means xx people are dead or maybe I can even tell if I'm the last one.
    • Creative Creative x 1
  11. Enigmatica

    Enigmatica The Song Lives On Banned

    That's... actually pretty creative. I mean, you can't know if the people alive are innocents or traitors but if you know there are only 2 left (You'd have to wait up to 17 or 18 minutes for this, staff would have intervened and got the round going long ago) you can kill them.
  12. Red

    Red Harbinger of Arceus VIP

    Well it is possible that the T/s would have been picking off innos slowly as the round goes, so he hasn't been idle and not camping. But in any case, would this be a legit reason?
  13. Enigmatica

    Enigmatica The Song Lives On Banned

    It really depends. if you know where people have been dying and no bodies have been being IDd and you know they had to have walked by those unid to get to you then it's possible.

    Or you could find one of those unid and put it somewhere, and stay around the corner and anyone who walks around without iding it can be killed :p
  14. Red

    Red Harbinger of Arceus VIP

    That last one... you sneaky bastard :p
  15. Enigmatica

    Enigmatica The Song Lives On Banned

    5 people bought traitor one round on Nipperhouse, so I used the unids on one side of the house, and took an unid from the other side and put it closer to where i was sitting, and killed anyone who went straight for me instead of the unid. Ended up killing 5 traitors.
  16. Zikeji

    Zikeji Repoleved VIP Emerald

    Haste mode depends on two variables..

    ttt_haste_starting_minutes 5
    ttt_haste_minutes_per_death .5

    Those are the defaults and on the server config.

    Those apply to West, West 2, East, and Vanilla.

    That means on all of those servers you start with 5 minutes and each additional kill grants the traitors half a minute more of gameplay.

    Whereas, on East 2 the settings are:
    ttt_haste_starting_minutes 4
    ttt_haste_minutes_per_death 0.3

    That means every kill gives the traitors 18 seconds and they start off with 4 minutes.
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2014
    • Informative Informative x 2
  17. Penny

    Penny VIP

    I think you mean half a minute more of gameplay, but thank you!
  18. Zikeji

    Zikeji Repoleved VIP Emerald

    Yes lol. My bad
  19. Red

    Red Harbinger of Arceus VIP

    I can only imagine the reports you got. *shudders*