What weapon do you prefer to use? doesn't matter if you have to find it on the map or use it in a loadout, just name the weapon that you like the most. AK-47 master race reporting in.
Pretty sure there is a thread for this Aks are good but gets repetetive and boring. I usually switch to the mossberg.
HK SL-8, Ak-47, Colt, Barret and Mossberg also any prop that I can fling at high velocity and kill someone with.
Honestly i'm part of the Ak Masterrace but.... Tommy Gun - Colt - Frags Best combo. And as a T pick up a silenced pistol
Ak 47 You can just mow people down just like that. HK SL8 Has a really accurate scope. Just one tap em HK 416 Doesn't have much recoil. Easy for long range ACR It's like a mini Ak, only recoil is a bit more easier to control
HK416 - not a lot of recoil and pretty powerfull Frag when T either to toss or silent jihad and regular jihad because i just enjoy it
Everyone used to talk about how bad the HKSL8 was, now you guys treat it likes it's the most OP thing ever.