Denied vonwrikter's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by vonwrikter, May 23, 2016.

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  1. vonwrikter

    vonwrikter Member

    Your In Game Nickname:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    The following is a conversation between me and the person in power to appeal me. I do not think he is being fair, or understand what I am saying to him. Therefore, excuse the frustration underlining my responses. But I have to appeal to otehr admins/mods that can circumvent this person that obviously has some type of issue with me. The issue is clear, I was not aware of my wrongdoing, I was not acting with malicious intent, I left because of a round later on where I was playing as Traitor, died early, and ragequit. It had nothing to do with the proof I was given for my ban, but Knockdown refuses to see this point. His point boils down to "play on the other server", which I do not think is fair. I do not think this person is a good or fair moderator, thus, I appeal to somebody who might have more understanding for the situation, that has an ounce of empathy in them.

    Me: So basically him trying to "prove" himself by claiming a body to be a T body, when it was not, is not a traitorous act? I was not aware of this. And I did not think that was something I had to worry about as I left the server, MULTIPLE rounds after that point. The fact that you think this is RDM and leave, and the fact that you didn't register the slay beforehand or discussed it with me, makes your ban and denial of my appeal incredibly dishonest. Like I didn't learn my lesson the first time I RDM and left the server. So instead of treating me like a fellow adult, you label me a moron and keep me from one of few pastimes for 2 weeks. Basically due to your own arrogance. Good on you. Good on you for firstly, being unclear on how you determine RDM, secondly, in how you convey the message of being slain in a timely manner, thirdly, on how you deal with an honest appeal where the misunderstanding was far from malicious. Thanks for proving your worth as fellow human being. I might be done with you and your servers, frankly. Take care of yourself.

    This was an honest mistake, and there was no slay on before I left. I left entirely because I was killed as a T early on, which made me upset. AS STATED IN THE ORIGINAL POST. I did not leave because I wanted to avoid punishment, as I also stated, I would happily take a punishment if I join the server. But of course, 2 weeks is nothign to a person not experiencing it. Again, it shows a real lack of character. You must understand how such an action looks to the observer, and how my reasoning was good in itself, but happened to end up being wrong. There was never ill intent, never intended RDMing, never intended leaving in regards to that RDMing. You are being dishonest, you're honestly being too proud for your own good. I'd be very disappointed if you do not see this from my point of view.
    The even more disappointing thing is that you do not even prove that I left after my response, because I didn't. I left several rounds after that when I was playing as a traitor. So you are also LYING in your proof of my wrongdoing.

    Knockdown: you have been banned before for RDM and leave. I don't undban you. You have been playing here 48Hours you should know that its not a valid reason. Also afther your first rdm and leave you read the rules? and also I would like to give you a tip not to leave without asking A staff member if you can. I was playing my round to so I might have set it in progress later. But your report wasnt the only one. The round was not over yet and you left. Its better to sit out whole rounds.

    Me: YOU ARE AGAIN LYING. The round was over, it was SEVERAL ROUNDS LATER, I had forgotten all about it. You are being unreasonable. You are lying. Do you understand this?

    Knockdown: I am not lying. It was not several round later. I can provide you the time i took the screenshots if you like.

    Me: Please do. Please also include the fact that you were not slaying me with my knowledge. Nor that there was any issues beforehand. You did not warn me. You are dishonest. You are honestly being a cruel fucking person. I hope you feel bad about yourself.

    Knockdown: If you like to handle this as adults stop being toxic. Thank you

    Me: You've already proven that lying and being entirely unreasonable and not listening to what the other part has to say is more important to you. There is no adult any longer. I honestly dislike you as a person. And at this point, since your presence as a mod reflects the entire team, I am not sure I want to deal with you much longer.

    You know damn well you did not warn me, you didn't express the fact that there could be an issue, I certainly did not perceive it that way because I thought I was acting under the ruleset, since the guy was in my mind acting 100% traitorous.

    You have no ability to see it from my point of view, and that is not my fault. Any toxicity is meaningless in the light of your inability to just see things from the position of another human being. I was ignorant in this position, it happened to serve as the reason for why my actions did not fall under the rules, but my intentions was never that. You may think I "should have known better", but that is not for you two determine. I did de facto not know better.

    After this he linked two images of proof of me leaving, which I did not see how they made any of this more clear as to how I was in the wrong.
    Evidence of Innocence:

  2. vonwrikter

    vonwrikter Member

    If I just wanted to play on the other server, I would not put effort into this. I know I was not acting to make anyone's experience worse, it was a misunderstanding between two players, and my misunderstanding of the rules (rules which are not specified in this area). It is unfair to bar me from this server for 2 weeks due to this misunderstanding. As said previously, I'd happily take my slay(s). The issue is one of misunderstanding, not of malicious intent or RDMing as such.

    I hope you understand.
  3. vonwrikter

    vonwrikter Member

    This was the final response he gave to me in our conversations, both links were in my mind unconvincing, so I would like somebody else to please look them over.

    "Here is the time where i just banned someone else and the new round started.
    I slayed myself for checking the reports that where left open. I could not slay you because you disconected. I had to scroll up the chat and noticing you left You can play on our other servers."
  4. J.T.Ripper

    J.T.Ripper Ughuuuu. VIP

    Do not make multiple appeals for the same offense. If you do it again, you have will have your posting privileges removed. As well, if you have an issue with how the moderator handled it, please make a report in the report section here.
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