Approved visiblepain's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by visiblepain, Aug 29, 2019.

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  1. visiblepain

    visiblepain Member

    Your In Game Nickname:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    I have played on this server everyday for the past week and have really enjoyed it to the max. I have always enjoyed this server and can't stand any other server. I should be unbanned because I do not random death match people, and I definitely do not do so in a way that is massive. I am very confused as to why I was banned since I was offline when it happened and I did not rdm and leave as I had reports but there was no mods on to handle the report so I won't waste server space. I believe I waited a good two or three rounds as well.​
    Evidence of Innocence:
    I don't have evidence as I don't even know what the offense was for. I can tell you that when the mods are offline people all rdm and its almost always self defense, I just happen to be a better shot than most, as well as when mods are off people will say rdm match and then gun for you, I'm not about to waste 6 mins of my life because some random came on here and decided to have a field day, its always fine though because they get karma banned most times. I would love to see my offense and then give proper context to the situation and considering that it's a 5 day ban I just don't understand that at all. Maybe a couple slays but even then I would like to have context to what I did not be surprised that I can't play my favorite game, I wouldn't be typing this if it wasn't true. Thank you for reading this and taking the time to look at my case.​
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2019
  2. Cash

    Cash I staff the proper way Banned VIP

  3. visiblepain

    visiblepain Member

    Thank you for providing that link Humancowcakes. I remember this only slightly. I don't understand how this player is requesting a 5 day ban when I only killed two players wrongfully and it's obvious by the timings that it was because they got in a crossfire and proceeded to shoot at me which was a mistake as I was the detective and so I know they must be a traitor. The other players were traitors. As for drewtheminge check the records and see that in previous rounds possibly the previous map he was known for rdming with literally no sus or anything which is the actual term Random Death Match. Therefore I was more cautious with him as I was the detective and didn't want the round ruined by a known rdmer.
  4. visiblepain

    visiblepain Member

  5. ThatAintFalco

    ThatAintFalco You should’ve followed the damn train CJ VIP

    Hey there visible, I banned you for the following report:

    Now looking at the first and last screenshots, at the very beginning of both rounds you proceeded to damage players without time of them doing anything. A minute later then you start to damage two other players for which I had the impression that you tried to RDM them. Before I conclude with a verdict, would you mind telling me why you RDMed them at the beginning of both of those rounds?
  6. visiblepain

    visiblepain Member

    Yes after reading this report I remembered the event. Drewtheminge joined and rdmed me about round 1 or 2 of the map and i believe was traitor for round 3 and was constantly rdming and talking about rdming. Since there was no mods on there was no way to combat this. I being a fun having guy joined in on shooting them at will rather than be a victim, unfortunately I did shoot lightning once however, as you can see I only did so once and not with the intention to kill him since he wasn't in on the fun. I wish I had recorded it because the people that were killing each other were indeed having a good time, I'd like to point out that Lightning himself separated the cases between myself and drew and netsu. The distinction is that they were the ones to initiate and I was just joining is as opposed to the alternative which was to be killed for nothing. The game was already being ruined by them. I was unaware of the website reporting situation and now that I am aware of this I will make my reports and just leave the game, as I now see how it affects other players such as lightning. My apologies to those that did not find it enjoyable myself included as I left the game shortly after those rounds due to the game being unplayable. Thank you again mods for taking the time to show me the report and point out the evidence and help me navigate some of this website. I would hate to not be able to play this server for 5 days but it is up to your discretion.
  7. ThatAintFalco

    ThatAintFalco You should’ve followed the damn train CJ VIP

    Alright, since your response was apologetic and you have a rather clean history, I will give you the benefit of the doubt and unban you as well as void the ban. Thanks for making an appeal!
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