Denied Victory's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by Victory, Mar 20, 2016.

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  1. Victory

    Victory Member

    Your In Game Nickname:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    Why the F am I banned in both EU vanilla and EU 2? and please improve the system, how am I suppose to defend myself when the message box doesn't tell me the reason I am banned for.
    Evidence of Innocence:

  2. Anna

    Anna before we fade VIP

    You were banned by @Ravin for "RDM and Leave, 4th". He will respond at his earliest convenience so until then, thank you for being patient.

    For future reference, your Steam ID is as follows:
  3. Ravin

    Ravin Determination VIP

    Hey Victory. Thank you for taking time today to visit us on the forums and ask about your ban.

    I had indeed banned you for RDM and Leave, 4th Offense and due to your offenses being so close to one another, I globalized it due to it being your fourth offense and the reasoning for your reply in the report.


    The reply wasn't very honest. When you are shot with a malfunction pistol, the damages done will show up as the T shooting another person, not you. This means the damage you did, against another Inno, was completely random.


    This is the raw damages to show you had not been AFK, infact, after shooting this Inno for a random reason, Zultra actually shot and killed you, and you even took time to report him as well.


    Usually, I do not globalize bans unless its a history or repeat offenses. However, you clearly had RDM'd here and opted to be dishonest about the reply. It was just a slay, but considering you had done this several times previously, have 118 hours you know the server rules and how things work around these servers.


    I see no reason to lift your ban. I will leave this open for 24 hours for you to reply if you so desire. Though, given the evidence, I cannot see a logical reasoning for your behavior.
  4. Victory

    Victory Member

    I will explain again. I were in a room with a group of people and then I had to do some things IRL and it was only for about 30 seconds. I don't know how I could have shot someone. When I came back I were killed and of course I made a report on that. But unfortunate I don't have evidence on that.

    One thing I can't understand is that I got a slay by you and I remember this clearly. I took the slay and asked you if I was free to leave AFTER I was slay but I was waiting for a reasonable time until I had to leave.

    Still I took the slain and you decide to ban me. Can you please elaborate that?
  5. Ravin

    Ravin Determination VIP

    You left. @Muffin and @Sir Lemoncakes were there with me at the time when you left as well. I had taken all the round reports that time as we were alternating.

    The shot in the logs clearly shows you shooting. As stated, the Malfunction Pistol redirects damage you do to the T. If you had been shot with a malfunction pistol, you would have not been reported.

    Is there anything else you wish to add?
  6. Victory

    Victory Member

    Okay, the incident about me shooting someone was an accident. Maybe I somehow reached the mouse button as I was leaving the computer. I know this isn't an excuse. But this is how I think it went down.

    I am 100% positive I took the slay. I want you to give me the evidence that I leaved before the slay.
  7. Ravin

    Ravin Determination VIP

    Your evidence is shown. You left here as stated. Muffin and Sir Lemoncakes, also staff, were there when we discussed you leaving.

    You are welcome to PM me if you desire but your ban will not be removed. You have already been unbanned previously by @Falcor in previous reports but it was not void. Your ban will remain.

    You changing you story as well does show dishonesty. You can take a break and come back with a fresh start. You have had six separate bans for RDM and Leave with your history, do keep in mind we have given you plenty of chances.

    Appeal - Denied
    Topic - Locked
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