Unusual Traitor strategies

Discussion in 'TTT Discussion' started by JackThePumpkin, Jul 16, 2016.


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  1. JackThePumpkin

    JackThePumpkin VIP Bronze

    Basically, post your strategies that aren't used by many or are just plain wierd, but no matter what, the only thing that matters is if they work.

    I will start with a few:
    Emergency jihad- How this one works is that you've got to buy a death station, then find a high traffic spot that you could put it down at (or as the name states, if the situation is dire don't hesitate to do it on even one person). If you found it you have drop the health station and use it (or shoot it if you've got death station heal). Not only is it much faster than a jihad but can also be survived if thrown around the corner.
    Tear'n'apart- You need to buy a tear gas grenade and you need 1 to 2 of these: Frag (you can buy a few in PS), DS, Jihad. This one is self explanatory, toss in a tear gas grenade in closed space area with at least 5 people (to make it worth the credits you've spent [unless it has detectives in it, so fewer may be acceptable then]) and begin fragging, jihading, just whatever as long as it results in many deaths. Even if you hit yourself with the Tear nade, it's okay, as long as you see the general direction where to throw or shoot, you're good. The only threat (well, at least a major) are people that are unaffected by the Tear nade.
    Suddenly, frag.- This one is map specific, but not many people know that you can toss a frag (or anything really) in 67thway's teleporters (at the barn's hole on the left from the entrance and under the shooting range, not so sure about the other secret room's teleport) and Minecraft B5's nether teleports causing them to land on the other side. This can be very useful early round when those spots are places of high traffic and most importantly it's pretty much free kills most of the time (but remember to warn!).
    • Like Like x 3
  2. Panda With a Gun

    Panda With a Gun CHINA NUMBA ONE Administrator VIP Emerald

    I straight up say in all chat "I'm going to jhad this room.", or "I'm going to kill all of you." Everyone just kinda thinks im joking or something when I actually do what I said. Idk if you can call it reverse psychology but it's pretty fun. Another is a bhop jhad. On maps such as Teen Room, I'll bait the inno(s) to the top then I'll start my jhad from the very top and bhop with great velocity down to them, exploding them. It's really fun because they don't hit their shots and they kinda crap themselves. I don't know if this would count as weird, but with a silenced pistol or dragon SUV I'll kill people in the open with larger groups where there are a lot of people in a cluster. It's fast and sudden and people don't tend to notice it. My last and probably one of my favorites is on 67th way. When you use the drowning t trap on someone, there is always that one person who is like "Open the door traitor! No balls!" I listen to them and open the door. I however hold a frag and throw it very last second, so they don't have time to react.
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2016
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  3. Toss a smoke, pull a knife and knife someone while in the smoke.

    Works every time to get someone killed because there's an unided nearby.
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  4. Sinz

    Sinz crumble VIP Silver

    1. be a staff member
    2. mow down innocents
    3. claim traitorous acts
    4. dip
    works on vanilla servers the best
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2016
    • Agree Agree x 5
    • Funny Funny x 4
    • Winner Winner x 4
  5. Togo ✿

    Togo ✿ Nobody Gets it VIP Silver

    how to win on 67way
    throw nades down tele then camp t room. EZ
    how to win on nilla
    just sit and hide the people will end up rdming each other
    how to win on clue
    c4 everywhere
    any other map
    i dont fucking know
    • Agree Agree x 2
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  6. Mason

    Mason VIP Silver

    Tear gas, disguised, spam suit zoom traitor on the nearest person while you spray them down
  7. Take a minecart on lighthouse and put an active c4 and carry it around
    • Winner Winner x 3
  8. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    Open the t room and make sure your t buddies don't go in. Watch the karma and innocents drop.
  9. Mason

    Mason VIP Silver

    until someone lets Winchester novice in and then your entire team gets gunned down one by one
    • Agree Agree x 3
  10. tz-

    tz- feelin it VIP Emerald

    step 1: be staff
    step 2: try not to be a moderator, be an admin or higher if possible
    step 3: be well know, use your mic to befriend the idiots of the server
    step 4: be traitor
    step 5: just start killing people
    step 5.5: while killing people say "WAIT WAIT WAIT HES A TRAITOR HES A TRAITOR!"
    step 6: repeat step 5 and step 5.5 till failure


    • Agree Agree x 3
  11. ink

    ink Genuine Happiness VIP Silver

    1. Be someone not so popular.
    2. Buy a flare gun.
    3. Be in a crowded area
    4. Get around the corner.
    5.Shoot a staff member with it( preferably an admin or someone good at the game)
    6. Watch as they mow down people
    7. Come in for cleanup and claim they shot someone
    8. Repeat
    • Funny Funny x 3
  12. royboooooy

    royboooooy It'll always snow on Mount Fuji. VIP

    I have @R3sh as a witness with this strat. Basically all I do is place a c4 in the middle of where everyone usually frequents (ie. the floor of the dollhouse map). If it's populated I just throw a smoke grenade right where i want to place it and surprisingly no one ever suspects me of anything.

    Also this line works for the majority of the time as a traitor if you play on nilla "WAIT NO! He shot my first I SWEAR!"
    • Agree Agree x 1
  13. Osmium

    Osmium Virtue VIP Silver

    Best way to kill large groups of Innocents
    Act dumb and confused.

    Nobody would expect!
  14. Harvest

    Harvest The Forever Serpent VIP

    1. Buy knife.

    2. Use knife.

    3. Shout a knife related pun over voice chat, e.g. "knife to meet you!"

    4. Get killed, knowing it was worth it
    • Funny Funny x 2
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  15. Alpha Wolfy

    Alpha Wolfy Nocturnal VIP

    Throw a smoke grenade and jihad.
  16. Kawaii

    Kawaii Paper Towns

    Actually kill people
    • Like Like x 1
  17. News Network

    News Network broken VIP

    Shoot at people whilst calling a KOS on them at the same time, so much fun
  18. Opalium

    Opalium Stay Awesome Banned VIP Silver

    I really like the silenced pistol. If you got some quick reactions (which I don't, but I'm working on it!) you can land some quick killing blows before the target even knows what happens. They don't scream, no one hears you shoot, and if you hide the bodies well enough it's going to very hard to track you.
    Still, this pistol is quite punishing if you miss with it - slow firing rate and low damage if not a head shot. So use it wisely.
    (But not on me)
  19. I'm actually a master at this because I'm already dumb and half the time confused of what I'm playing...

    Another great strat: Kill someone and put the body somewhere easy to find. Then place a decoy in a discreet area like an alley or small room nearby and call the detectives to the body to get your DNA. Once they get near the decoy, mow the detective down. Then go out and eat Korean BBQ
    • Dumb Dumb x 1
  20. Valedict

    Valedict VIP

    Headshot someone with a deagle in the head and watch as no one knows who did it or where it came from.
    • Agree Agree x 2